Wednesday 30 November 2011


CONGRATULATIONS TACEY!!!!!! So amazing!!! It's been a pleasure blogging with you and reading about your success! I'm so very happy for you! Keep going!

As for me...I'm totally feeling discoursaged. I know that a lot has happened this month. But to not lose 1 inch? Really? I guess I should look at it as ....well, despite some challenges, I've managed to keep exercising and not gain any inches. But that's hard to face tonight. :(

I definately plan to keep going on this road. I enjoy it, and really, it's about being healthy. I really hope though, with a bit of discipline with food, I start losing some damn weight!

This has been great, and I will miss it! Cher, you are so encouraging and positive! Thanks so much! Looking forward to the next challenge! Next time though, I'm going to be healthy and well rested through it! LOL!!

Again, congrats Tacey!

Good night


The journey has just begun - Check out Tacey's results!

Tacey!  You blow my mind!  After an amazing 30 days Tacey lost an incredible......wait for it......
8 inches! 

You should be so proud of your accomplishments!!  This is the start of an amazing journey for you - Both you and Steph have started something amazing, and I hope that blogging about it made it that much easier for you to stay on track. 

Don't lose this page - December I will be blogging about my own fitness journey - so stay tuned for all of the awesomeness that is Ginger & Crew!

February will be the next Fitness Challenge for everyone to participate in - so stay tuned!

If you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter just click here - we send out a recipe, exercises and more!

Again, congrats you guys, you were awesome, dedicated and STARS!!!



Oh - and for reading this amazing journey you are eligible for a free fitness assessment and mini personal training session (Kelowna Only) - so book before January 31st to redeem yours today!

END OF THE ROAD (Tacey signs off)

Well, day 30 has finally arrived, and in all honesty, this month absolutely flew by...

I can hardly believe it's been a whole month...In reality, it was one 5k at a time...(which turned out to be almost every day).

Today, like yesterday, I pushed a wee bit harder and finished a 6k run (in about 33 minutes).  After that final run (in this challenge) I knew I really did give it my all...

Sure, I could have consumed less wine, but I still (in THIRTY days) have not have a single potato chip (which was a nightly indulgence).  I bought huge containers of fresh veggies and ate them daily...I ate salads with protein and lots and lots of soup (hellloooo Miso - I think I love you).

I was scared for today's measurements, only because I'm quite used to disappointment and I thought it was best to have lower expectations of my results than to be excited for a great one.

So, today, when sweet as pie Cher met me the very same place we met a month ago, I was scared....

Did I try hard enough??  Did I give it my allllll???  Could I have tried harder???

And the honest answers would be yes, no and yes....but, I DID make huge improvements in my eating and literally ran a 5km nearly every single day for an entire month...and I felt damn good about that...results or not.

Out came the measuring tape...

I was scared to hear the numbers...

In fact, I waited until Cher was done....

Did I want to hear them, she asked...Ummm, "You'll want to hear them Tacey"...


Phew....Cher went on to detail how I've lost 8 inches in the past 30 days!

Sure, my scale has barely moved, but clearly my body has changed...

And for that, and this entire journey...I am so grateful.

I hope that the past 30 blog entries will serve as a true, honest source of motivation for anyone out there embarking on a new path...a healthier one....

It's been a real journey, and I'm glad to have shared it with you.

Love and hugs...


Tuesday 29 November 2011


As I sit here tonight, my body hurts. My arms are shaking, my legs are stiff and I'm tired. But boy do I feel great!!!! Seriously? How can anyone NOT want to exercise? It is such an amazing feeling! And proud...I feel so proud of myself!

I was stiff this stiff that when my alarm went off a 4:45am for my run, I got up, walked to the end of my bed, turned around and got back in. There was just no way! I giggled to myself a litte...I love being stiff post workout! But after my lunch time walk, I loosened up. I got home from work and almost talked myself out of was raining. But....I mustered up some my gear on...and off I went. 5kms in just under 35 mins! Yay!!!!

This last month has sure had it's ups and downs for me. But now that I seem to be getting healthier by the day, more and more sleep, and back on the eating well wagon, I feel really great. Positive, happy and healthy. Must say though, not so much looking forward to the whole measurement thing. But, at least I know that I can do this...and LOVE doing this too!

Congrats Tacey on your 6kms today! Great accomplishment!

Well, I'm going relax my tired body now. Daughter tucked in and cozy, husband sick and whiny...but in bed!!! (yay!), tea brewed and a good book. I love feeling like this after a great day and a great workout!



SIX!!!! (Tacey Day 29)

Thank you Cher for your support and kind words...I sounded like a bit of a downer last night, not at all intentional, but knowing that you wanted a 'real' person's perspective of this challenge, I had to keep my promise to be real (although I actually can't help but be real).

This 30 day challenge, and the accountability of this blog, has forced me to simply be real, and honest and I would be doing a disservice if I was not honest with you all with exactly how this process was unfolding....Some days have been great...sooo great that I thought y'all may puke at my positivity...Some days, not so great...Some days, quite ordinary....

Today, well...Still feeling like a bag of Bullmastiff poop with a hole in it..I forced myself into my runners and took to the Greenway.

This time I started in a new location and prior to setting off, decided where my turn around point would be.  It was 3km away...which would mean I would run a total of 6km km longer than any other run I've done over the past 29 days...

But guess what?????


Nailed it.

(insert Eye of the Tiger intro......)

Tomorrow, the 'big finale'. 

Sure, I hope my measurements reflect the 111 or so kilometres I have run over the past 29 days...the veggies I have munched on, the absence of chips in my life....but if not...I have at the very least shown myself, my body, exactly what I am capable of doing...and for me...three years ago today, I could barely walk..literally, so, to have run a full on, non-stop 6km run reward enough.

Love and hugs...


Check out the last 2 days of blogging - 100 more views to 1000!

We are at over 900 views for the month!  That is a lot of people who are reading about this awesome journey these ladies have embarked on - We are down to the final 2 days!

Trainer Workout for today:

Equipment: Chair / Bench; Mat; med ball (optional)
Location: Anywhere with a mat

Do all of the following moves back to back and time yourself.  Repeat 3 or 4 times and try to beat your time! 10 Count for everything!

1. Push Ups with alternating shoulder taps (on toes or knees) - try not to sway hips at all!
2. Leg Drops (support low back and only drop as far as you are comfortable)
3. Mtn Climbers
4. Dips on Chair
5. Running Knees + 1 Burpee (4 Running knees + 1 Burpee X 10)
6. Abs - you pick - make it good - I would do a V up or variation
7. Side to Side touch on ground with feet up (with or without med ball)
8. Plie Jump Squats

Sweat Sweat Sweat!!! 

Have an awesome Tuesday!

Don't forget about Ginger & Crew Gift Certificates!!!  Any denomination - we come to your home to make you sweat!


Monday 28 November 2011


2 days to go and I'm finally feeling much better. Nice. Oh well...I had a great run tonight, and pushed myself hard during my leg workout...and really...that's all that counts. I'm sitting here..exhausted, stiff, and shakey. YAY!!!! What a great feeling!!!

While I was walking in the beautiful sun on my lunch break today, I thought about something. I've been all about distance. Well, the bottom line is I'm having trouble fitting everything in...and some days...I do nothing because of that. So I was thinking today, rather than distance...I should try being concerned with time instead. That way, I should be able to get at least a 25 min run in at lunch, a walk or run in the 5kms...well getting changed, running, then stretching...then changing back...that's impossible in half an hour!

I think judging by the shake in my quads right now...I'm probably not going to run tomorrow. But, I'm still going to get out and walk...start the day right!'s good to be back!!!

Tacey, I sure hope you feel better soon. I'm still without my voice, but feel better. This cold/flu thing has been awful! Rest'll be good as new soon! Sometimes as hard as it is to rest...our bodies know best. :)



Well, two days to go and by now, I'm sure you're getting sick of me anyhow...

I wonder if anyone reads this...but at the same time, I'm sharing for the invisible audience that may need some inspiration, but honestly, this is me being therapeutic...going through the motions of a change in habit...a new way of life...or perhaps the rebirth of an old way of living...

For nothing else, I can go back and read this...I can use these pages as a learning ups and a reminder of the highs and lows experienced throughout this challenge.

Today, dammit...I'm being hit by a combination of a lingering head cold (remember my first few days?? ya, still here)...and my pain, I feel my eyes are droopy and my head is 'full' and I honestly feel weathered...

So, I sat in my sauna and did the best I could to resist my desire to go running...I wanted to go, but at the same time, I knew my body was saying "can we please just rest??"

So, today, with only a couple days left, that's what I'm doing...

Hugs and love.


Sunday 27 November 2011

The Final Three

After having the decision that perhaps 5km is my happy place, my husband suggested I simply push myself harder during my runs and make the time something to work on, instead of the distance...


Great concept.

So, this morning, despite having taken a higher dose of pain killers last night (to ease my joint pain) I managed to lace up my runners and go for my run...In the midst of my run, all I could think of was "well, Tacey, if you're not planning on adding distance to your run, you better shave some time off"...So I dug deep and pushed my short little legs as fast as they could go for my daily 5k run...

I'm gratified with the level of confidence I have in myself and the stamina I have built over the past 27 days...I still have 3 work outs left before my measurements....I sure hope to see that all this has paid off in the 'bod'...

Love and hugs...



Glad to report...I'm feeling better! :) I'm so ready to be back at the gym. Sheesh...hopefully this is my last hurdle for a very VERY long time! I know, I know...I'm a baby...a whiny baby at that.

Grey Cup supper....ick. Chicken wings, chips, a belly feels grose. But, I actually don't feel all that guilty. For once! I think I've come to the conclusion that my body needed a rest. I'm much too hard on myself. So rather than push it today, and feel crappy again tomorrow, I rested. And tonight, my voice is coming back, much to my husband's dismay, and I'm feeling better.

I'm loving the mild weather, and I'm going to get up and start my day right tomorrow. I'm going to attempt a run, but may have to ease back with a bit of a walk/run combo. Either will feel great!!!

Bring on Monday....cause I'm going to run!!!!

Good night!


Saturday 26 November 2011


I'm feeling slightly better today, but still too sick to do very much exercise. We got to get outside this morning and take care of the yard clean up. The cold, fresh air felt great in my lungs. I don't think that what I did though could really qualify as calorie burning.

I am going to get up in the morning and head out to get groceries, and I'm going to prep a lot of healthy food for the week. I'm going to cook a big pot of quinoa, and cut up fresh veggies and fruit. That way, lunches are complete, and I won't have to be looking for things.

I'd love to be able to workout tomorrow. I'm going to get to bed early and hopefully get some good rest. It's unbelievable how much of a difference a good workout makes in your day. My husband told me last night that me going to the gym after work til 6 just isn't working. I've been waiting for him to say that. So I'm going to have to figure something else out. Now that I'm sleeping better, and the snow is gone...hopefully!...and it's pretty mild, I'm thinking that I'll split my workouts up again. Run in the morning, weights after work. If that doesn't work, I guess what I'll have to do is either cardio right after work, then come home and go back and do weights after Sophie goes to bed, or just do it all after she goes to bed.

I think splitting your workout is okay....? I just have to find a way. I am not willing to stop this. It is something that I have to do for myself. If only there were a few more hours in the day! :)

Hopefully I'll be able to post about my fabulous workout tomorrow!


4 days to go....

Wow...Has it been 26 days already?

Have I really run over 100km?

Yes, and yes...

Today, I took it easy and spent time with my family, went for a leisurely hike with the family and the pooch/bear....but I still took what I'm learning in this journey...

Today, not the normal trip to banana bread, no breakfast sandwich, no nothing.

Clear eating all day...I'm getting used to the munching on raw veggies and light dip and am refraining from my usual trips to the cheese drawer....and yes...26 days and NOOOO chips.

I admit, while shopping today I saw a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips pass me by and I felt the inner pangs of a craving...but then I quickly shifted my thoughts to 'yay me...I'm wearing jeans and not too worried about exposing a larger than life muffin top today'...and suddenly, magically, the craving passed....

Tomorrow...I'm gonna enjoy my run and my weights...tonight, I'm going to relax my muscles, aches and pains in my hot tub.

Goodnight all...

Love and hugs.


Friday 25 November 2011


Cher...I'M TOTALLY IN!!!! When I'm back....I'm gunna be BACK! I love fitness and how it makes me feel - physically and emotionally!

Today though, I had to admit defeat. I'm sick. Ugh. I barely made it through work, nevermind any form of exercise. I'm sure though that a day or so of rest and I'll be as good as new. I am not a good patient. I hate being out. I don't really have much of a choice today though.

I hope that by tomorrow, I can at least go for a good walk. Fresh air and a little sweat, I'll be happy.

Well, I'm off to bed. Yes...before 8. I just want to be better. And part of my admitting defeat, is REST.

6 days til the 1st though..I'll be back by then and ready for a new challenge. Hopefully I'm healthy for the whole thing next time though!

Happy Weekend!


25 Days in {Tacey here}

Wow, wow, wow...

Honestly, I can't believe that I've run 105km's in this challenge so far...

Yes, the 5k seems to me my new thing...My daily grind...My daily burn...My daily challenge.

As the driven perfectionist that I am, I've been declaring that I must take it up a notch....Well, today, in the midst of my 21st 5km run, I realized that 5km a day just 'may' be enough for me...(of course, adding weights and my beloved hot yoga to the mix)...but as far as cardio goes...If I run a 5km a day, then perhaps that's my 'happy' place...As it stands, the 5km is a push for me..It's not easy...I grunt near the end (some days call for more grunting than others)...

But this week I literally ran in the fresh fallen the falling snow, in the rain, and today, in the sun....and I loved all of it (probably preferred the snow to be honest)...and maybe instead of trying to 'step it up', I think I just keep on doing what I've been doing the past 25 days...because, I think, overall, it's freaking fantastic.

Again, like I've stated a few time this journey...This is not a sprint..This 'challenge' is supposed to translated into our 'regular' routines...Our 'new way' of living..

And, so far, I'm loving my runs, and I'm perfectly challenged in doing them...

After further consideration, I don't think I'm going to mess with that.

Love and hugs...


PS.  Congrats Cher!!!  I don't know what you went through, but I do know what it's like to lose your ability to do things that once came so easily (like running)...So Kudos to you!  Enjoy the rush.


Friday I am in love with fitness! Trainer Notes

So today I was able to run (jog) since my MVA!!! It was short but fantastic! I haven't felt this good since pre-accident!! I myself have a lot of work to do - a neck injury doesn't play too kindly on your physique! This is such a great feeling to get back at it - I think December 1st will be the start of my fitness challenge - WHO's IN?

Steph - I know you are feeling pretty crummy - but I want you to go back through your posts and read about how good you feel when you train - you WILL get there again!!!

Enjoy your weekend guys & gals - stay healthy!!!


Thursday 24 November 2011


Congrats Tacey! 100 kms is so fantastic! When I started to push past 5 kms, I would add minutes, rather than distance. That way, I find if I run 7 extra minutes, I don't feel like I've failed at all. I totally get a block about distance for some reason.

Me today, I feel like CRAP again. I'm so tired of this I can't even put it into words. My cold has moved into my chest, and I could barely go up 2 flights of staris today without being out of breath. I managed to get out for my walk at lunch, but when it came time for the gym, I just couldn't do it.

I did have a successful day 3 though. :) I felt this morning like I wasn't going to be able to control my chocolate craving, so I left my wallett at home. I work at Capri mall and Extra Foods is right downstairs. Convenient if you forget your lunch...a pain in the butt if you want a chocolate bar!

Hopefully tomorrow I'm feeling better. I'm feeling like the world is against me again. I just want to run....exercise...SWEAT!



100 K!!!!

It was about mmmm, 6 minutes into my run on the Greenway when it dawned on me...

This is my 20th 5 k run in 24 days...hmmmm, 20 time 5 is 100!!!  ONE HUNDRED KILOMETERS????


That feels good.

Now, to step it up....

Hmmm...I love the 5k because I've gotten to 'know' it...I can anticipate the ebb and flow of how the run will feel for me (in my various stages of wanting to stop...hitting my stride...wanting to give up...and actually enjoying it).

Soooo, to push beyond the 5k kinda scares me....I know if I have to stop running, I'll feel bad about it and somehow less accomplished for that day....

Well, I guess what would make sense is to increase my 'doable' 5 k into 6 that for another 100k and then step it out another .5 k in each direction.

Or perhaps I should motivate myself to join a running clinic...Hmm..not sure...I quite enjoy running alone...I love the inner dialogue I have with myself (not out loud of course!)....I dig deep and push myself...

Okay, I think this is one I should do alone...silently, independently, push myself half a km further in each direction...

Maybe I will try that tomorrow...

Till tomorrow...Love and hugs...


Wednesday 23 November 2011

Singing in the rain...(Tacey Day 23!)

Yes, in the past 23 days I have run in the snow, the sleet and now, the RAIN....but the coolest part was the fact that I could not, 'not' run...

I know when I first started out, my 5k's were about 34-35 minutes...well, today, in the rain, I pounded out a 5k in 27 minutes~!!!!

Whoo hooo! 

I feel great.

I see a leaner body (and that makes me happy)...I've been able to handle enormous family stress better than normal (ie. feed my stress with chips and crap).

This is not to say that I am perfect and completely abstaining from anything in my 'old ways' a matter of fact, I just dipped into the Halloween bowl...but, in the grand scheme of things...Halloween was 24 nights ago, so if I'm just hitting it tonight, then that's not so bad at all...

After all, every once in a while it's okay to indulge...

Love and hugs...



I've only just today learned exactly how tired I really was. All last week, before I got a cold, I could barely run. I couldn't figure it out. I felt like I had just begun all of this again. My muscles ached, I had zero stamina, and post workout...well...I thought that I might die! Well, I got home today, and I decided that I was going to run! Enough of this feeling crappy. I thought at least if I'm not feeling up to a full run, I'll walk the 5kms. Well, I started to run, and honestly 10 strides in, I was amazed at the difference in my body. Holy smokes! It felt amazing!

And....another successful WW day! That's right! 2 days! I'm just home from the gym, becuase I felt so great after my run, I thought I'd better get some strength training in, and I have to admit...I'm very hungry. :( But I'm thinking that's just the activity I've done today.

It's actually been a good day. I'm .still dealing with this cold, but I'm feeling better every day. And, I slept like a rock last night! Woke up only once. And, it's Wednesday....SURVIVOR! PVR'd and ready to go!

Good night


Trainer Workout - 1 week to go!

So here you are, about to throw in the same old workout DVD at home.  You tell yourself 'Not again!' and decide to skip your workout.  Next time - Don't skip it!!  Here is what I did to keep it fresh:

DVD Circuit
Equipment: Free Weights, BOSU or step, Skipping Rope, Workout DVD

Create a circuit - Example:
1. DVD
2. Skipping
3. Weighted Plie Squats
4. Step with weights (alternating legs, go up on step with one foot, bring opposite knee up, plant knee up foot on ground and take step foot back to a lunge - weight is in hands and goes up everytime you take a knee up - you can get a groove going and get heart rate up easily)

We did 1 min of work with 20 seconds of transition (rest) time.  Start the DVD before you begin your workout (or during your warm up time) and then start timing when the DVD is in full swing.  The idea is that whenever it is time to do the DVD, you just jump in wherever they are at.  We did a punching/kicking DVD so one round we were doing punches, the next kicking etc.  This helps to step out of the boredom of looking at the screen for 50+ minutes.  I turned the sound off on the DVD and turned on some music of our own (I was having technical problems, but in a perfect world the music would have been pumping the whole time!).  We did the circuit for 35 minutes, and we were sweating like crazy when it was done.  We did some abs to finish the session off.

Don't forget that it's ok to do routines at home if you can't hit the gym - most of the time you can come up with something that requires no equipment and just a little space.

Stay Healthy everyone!


Tuesday 22 November 2011

8 Days Left???? WTF??

Wow.  I just read Cher's post about her amazing training services and at the end she stated there are only 8 days left in our challenge!!!

Man....hearing (reading) those words brought instant anxiety...I'm so scared that my measurements won't be what I would hope for, or that I'll meet with Cher, she'll measure me, and there will be no improvement....


Especially because today I didn't work out (I know...the effortless runner was not feeling it today...sadly, I had to take a heavier pain killer dose last night due to pain in my ankles and back and it kicked my butt today...). 

Oh well...

Tomorrrrrrrow, tomorrrrrrrrow, I LOVE ya, tomorrrrrorow, you're only a daaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaaa-way!

Enough of my pity party...Tomorrow I shall kick my own ass.  Period....because, as Cher said, there are only 8 days left!!!

Love and hugs...


Day 1 WW - Success!

Tuesdays for me are like Mondays for everyone else. I despise them! I'm tired, grumpy (as I'm sure you can tell), and can't wait for them to be over! Despite having a good day, I'm sitting here.....grumpy! I still feel crappy, although better than yesterday, and I just want to go to bed.

Okay....enough. I had a very sucessful day with my food intake. Very happy to report that! I even convinced my husband to eat fish for dinner! I have to say, Weight Watchers to great. I don't feel deprived. I feel satisfied...not hungry, yet on the right track. And it really really helps keep me accountable. If I bite it....I write it! LOL! And...I totally caught myself tonight at dinner. I was cleaning out the fridge as it's garbage day tomorrow, and there was some cheese....mmmm...cheese! So I just grabbed a piece, and ate it. Then all of a sudden..I was like HEY! you can't do that! So, I wrote it down, and it was accounted for. Just makes me realize that I'm totally positive that the reason the scale isn't moving is because of ME.

My friend who's in the fitness industry told me yesterday that realistically, it's 80% diet and only 20% exercise. That explains a lot! But at least I'm not giving up! Keeping my eye on the healthy lifestyle. And....slowly, I'm starting to notice very slight changes in my husband. He is very different from me, and basically worries about nothing. Figures that if he exercises, he'll still have health problems - runs in the family. can help to fight them, recover better, live longer, all that stuff.

But lately, I've stopped saying anything (he refers to it as nagging). He decided one day that he's going to stop drinking pop. Says it's bad for him. Now, he's started taking a multi vitamin, even though he calls them voodoo medicine. Now in the spring, I'm going to gently try to get him out for walks, hikes, anything!

I'm attempting to run in the morning tomorrow. I figure I've had a few nights sleep, 2 days off hard workouts - time to get back to it! I'm truly excited about that!

Again despite it being a dreaded was a good day! Day 1 - WW....looking forward to a sucessful day 2!


Good night!


New Years is around the corner....and Christmas is closer than you think!

Hello Blog Readers!

I wanted to let all of the local blog readers know about Ginger & Crew's Personal Training Services.  Of course the ladies blogging on a regular basis are working hard, on their own, to achieve their goals - but sometimes you need a little extra push!

We offer great weekly, punch pass, and single training sessions to fit your budget.  Check out the Ginger & Crew Website - you can purchase any denomination or session package as a Gift Certificate!  Ask your loved one to get you some this holiday season!

If you are interested in blogging in the next Ginger & Crew fitness challenge (Starting in the New Year) please email to sign up!

And to this sessions bloggers - You are Rocking it!! 
Only 8 Days to go!!!

Stay Healthy!

Monday 21 November 2011

Three weeks!!!

Yes!  Three weeks....It's been three weeks since we began this challenge and today I found myself lacing up my runners like it was just part of my regular routine...

And if I gain nothing else from this...THAT is enough.

I find myself running with ease...almost a saunter...perhaps a's a great feeling and I love doing it.

Furthermore, everyday I try to incorporate healthier decisions into my diet...*and not just NOT eating chips!*.  Today was a healthy protein smoothie...veggies and low cal snacking and a nice whole grain tuna casserole for dinner.

This challenge isn't feeling 'hard' for me right's just feeling like a whole new rhythm...which is invaluable to me...because, as I've said before, this isn't a sprint...I want these new habits to transform into my regular routine...and to be perfectly honest...I can't see how they couldn't.

Love and hugs..


Happy Monday!

Well, I managed to have a decent night's sleep last night - naturally! But, I woke up with a definate cold. :( But I must say....definately feel better now that I'm sleeping! And....I confronted my stress at work this morning. I felt good, confident, and ready. So I turned out well! :) Thank goodness!

So, today was really a good day. It was sunny at lunch, and my walk was great! It was beautiful. As far as exercise goes, that was it for me today. This cold seems to have grabbed on a little bit. I'm faithfully taking my coldfx, and I hope to be feeling better tomorrow. Perhaps another night of sleep will help!

I didn't eat chocolate today. I'm seriously having such a hard time with it. Wow. I'm going to start counting my WW points tomorrow. I had a lot of success with Weight Watchers prior to having my daughter. It really kept me on track with food. I think I'm eating way more then I think I am. Despite feeling great, I'm just not losing weight.

Oh...and when I came home tonight, Sophie came flying to the door and screamed...."MOM! I MISSED YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!" She grabbed me and wrapped her little arms around me and told me that I was the best mom! I have to tell you....THAT is the most amazing feeling EVER. And despite being tired, broke, and all the other stuff that kids bring with them...I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything.

I'm warning you....I may be a little grumpy tomorrow night. I'll be hungry...and I'm not really all that nice when I'm hungry and wanting chocolate! LOL!!!

Happy Tuesday!



Sunday 20 November 2011

Hurts so Good!

Another better day! So glad that I'm back at the gym. It feels so good to be sore! Some think that's odd....but it's really great. I actually had the strangest feeling today. I was doing squats with shoulder press, and I totally focused on pressing my heels into the ground on the way up. Wow. My legs were not only shaking, but the pain....actually felt good. I've never felt that before. It made me want to do more!

I didn't sleep very well last night, but I think it had to do with the fact that I'm getting a cold. And I don't really feel that horrible tired I've been feeling. I feel like I'm getting a cold. So, to me....that's progress on the sleep front! And when I woke up and felt crappy, I thought for a few minutes....the universe is really REALLY against me. But, I got up, got going and made a concious decision that I wasn't going to let it get me. It's a cold...suck it up princess!

I haven't really been talking about it much, but I'm having an awful time at work right now. Very stressful. So, I'm so not wanting to go to work tomorrow. Without really saying too much, I think that the majority of my stress is work. I'm really trying hard to deal with things differently and running helps emmensley. I keep telling myself, it pays the mortgage, but that's not really a huge help! But, I'll keep plugging away, and hopefully things will ease off. In the mean time, I will smile and run! hahaha!

I hope that Monday is awesome for everyone. And I hope the sun shines! :)



Hellooooo Rest! (Tacey Day 20)

Yes, the day has come where I deliberately chose to take the day off...Not like a cheat day, just a 'I don't feel like pushing myself in a workout day'...

I actually wore jeans that I haven't worn in a while and felt less self conscious (not 'fabulous' but less fat for sure!).

I'm in a good space and although my schedule is a wee bit crazy (and I have a big talk to give on Friday that I am really nervous about) I plan on fitting in my runs and workouts every day as I know it will help me feel better, sleep better and 'do' better in everything this week.

Kudos to you Steph for having a great day!  I'm happy you're making progress with your lack of sleep...Sometimes we just need to reset ourselves..and I think you are doing that.

Well, off for a good night sleep and tomorrow begins a very hectic week, but also the last stretch of this fabulous challenge....

Hugs and love...


Saturday 19 November 2011

Much better day!

Day 19! I'm sure glad that I've done this! And today turned out to be so much better then the last few! I slept last night...although with help...I slept....HARD. My husband got called in 4 times through the night, had a shower, and I only woke up twice!!!! I was super groggy this morning, but I didn't let it get me. I got up, had coffee and breakfast, and out we went. The fresh air does amazing things for my mood!

Then I was lucky enough to make it to the gym. I had a fantastic run, and did 5kms in just under 35 mins! And then upper body strength training...always my favorite. And I'm tired. Naturally tired. I feel like I'm going to sleep! I sure hope that this is the end of this nonsense.

I'm feeling much more positive today. Its really hard to stay on track and positive with very little rest. This time of year always tends to get me down also. I can handle the cold, as long as it's sunny. The dreary ickyness is, well....icky. But today, I got up and told myself that it would be a good day...and it was.

I love how I feel after exercising. And weekends at the gym are great! Very few people...don't have to wait for anything. Now, on a not so positive note....the chocolate thing....not doing so great. Yay Tacey for 19 days of no chips! I wish that I had your self control! I realized today that I've been suffering from PMS this week. My symptoms have greatly reduced, but that damn chocolate thing, it just gets me all the time!

I have a pretty busy morning tomorrow, and I'm going to try to get to the gym before the football game starts. And my major goal for the day, once again....NO CHOCOLATE!!!!!

Damn chocolate.




Progress, I sure hope!

Day 19 and despite the fact that I 'think' I'm looking tighter and leaner...I sure hope that when it comes time to do my measurements again that I have actually 'made' a difference in my body...

Indeed, I have run my ass off for the past 19 days (another snowy 5km today), and yes, I have abstained from chips for the past nineteen (lonnnnng) days...I've been eating more soups than ever and I've made really good friends with celery...BUT, I just hope I'm not disappointed when I get my results.

I'm sure there will be...despite having less than perfect eyesight, I'm fairly certain I'm shrinking....

I feel amazing (although a wee bit sore in my lower back) and I'm having more energy and my PMS is waaaay less I guess that's great on it's own...

I have about 11 days left and I plan to keep at the same pace or stronger for the last leg of this challenge...

Gosh darnit...I've come this far, right?

Love and hugs..


Friday 18 November 2011

Last day I hope!

I decided after yet another sleepless night, that I was going to stay home today. So I did. It was great. I went to the doctor this morning, and she said that I was to not have a nap today. I looked at her like she was insane! She laughed! She thinks my sleep cycle is off, and has given me some short term medication to get things back on track. So, funnily goal of the day was to stay away! Mission accomplished! Yay? lol

So I made a nice supper for my family, and no sooner did my husband walk in the door, and the phone rang and out he went again. This on call thing sucks. I shoveled the driveway, lit the fire, and have his supper ready to heat up when he gets home.

But, yet another day of no exercise. I was very sedentary today, which isn't so great for the positvity. Altough I know that I need it, I just don't like it. I enjoy being busy. I got to get out and shovel at least....a few calories burned. Tomorrow, I'm going to hopefully be able to get out and have a great run. (Kudos Tacey for the snow run! So, so motivational! Thanks for that!) I'm hoping that I get to sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow, although the pharmacist has prepared me for a groggy day tomorrow. But no matter what, I will power through that feeling, and get some exercise in.

And on a super fun will be the first snowman my daughter and I build together tomorrow. That is awesome!!!! So as much as I dislike this weather, I sure hope it sticks around for that. Well, I'm going to try to sleep....fingers crossed! Hopefully I'll have good news tomorrow!


Day 18 {Keeping Strong}

Well...I feel like I'm beginning to sound like a broken record.

Another day, another 5k....

Today, like yesterday, was in the snow...Only today, it was snow-ing...and let me tell you, that's totally different than running 'in' the snow..

Sure, it's similar...there is still snow at your feet...but running in the snow, faced with the distraction of snowflakes pounding your eyes (ya, totally didn't think of sunglasses today...after wasn't 'sunny').  But the peace and tranquility of it all was simply magical...the snow was fresh, but wet and it wasn't too hard to gain traction in my was peaceful and crazy at the same time...

Annnnnd....Day 18 and still NOOOOOO chips!!!

The really funny thing (okay...all men...sorry, you will totally not 'get' this)but  today, 'Mother Nature' paid her monthly visit late this afternoon....and the weird thing is...I had nooooo idea 'she' was coming (no, after 2 children and a husband who is 'fixed' I don't keep track of that stuff anymore).  Normally 'her' visits are preceded with emotional cravings for all things chocolate and crunchy (chips!!).  But this time...I was totally surprised...I had no cravings and my mood was fantastic leading up to tonight...

Point being...I'm associating the lack of 'tell tale signs' of my pending monthly doom with the fact that I've been feeling so gosh darn great running every day....

And that, today, makes the past 18 days completely worthwhile....

Having said that...I'm hoping to step it up even further next week....

Not sure how yet...perhaps I'll increase to 6k's, or even more...

Love and hugs....


Thursday 17 November 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~!

I hope I'm not coming across as one of those annoyingly happy people that can just glide through life on a cloud...Yes, I may be happy..but that's my choice...and heck, I certainly do not glide through life on a cloud....I work my ars off to do what I do and achieve what I achieve...and today, when I faced my 5km Greenway run (completely covered in about 5 inches of fresh snow) I honestly did not think I could actually get through the entire run...

It was like running in sand...and heck.  THAT'S HARD.

But, I hunkered down and focused and made it through...

I then came home and shovelled the driveway, set up my studio and proceeded to shoot for the remainder of the day...

Right about now...nearly 11pm...I am sore, and my body is aching...BUT, I feel grateful to be in this challenge and I welcome tomorrow...come what may.

Hugs and love..


Sleepy....and getting grumpy!

I'm not feeling posititive at all today. I feel like the universe is working against me at this point. I haven't had a good sleep in months, and today it caught up to me...with a vengeance. I fell asleep at work. I don't even have words to describe how that makes me feel. I have a very good friend at work who spoke up for me....cause I'm a chicken....and I came home and slept all afternoon.

I've been dealing up until today. Tired, but okay. Today, I'm grumpy, angry, sad, and have no patience at all. And I'm trying to's going to be okay. I'm going to get some different medication tomorrow, I'll get sleep and I'll be back at the gym tomorrow afternoon. But of course...yet another hurdle. My husband is on call at work this weekend. That means, he can be called out, day or night, for the next 7 days. This is always a hard week for us both. He's understandabley tired and grumpy, and now that I'm tired and grumpy also.....ugh..gunna be quite a week! And this also means, that IF I get to go to the gym, I may not be able to stay. Argh.

I will find ways to work out. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the gym 3 or 4 times at least over the next week, but I'll have to take what I can get. I'll have to get short bursts of activity in several times a day...lots of core, squats, lunges, sprints, skipping...I'll be okay. Hey, I might have fun too! Lots of yard work too....hopefully if the snow gets lost!

Well, I'm sitting drinking chamomile tea. Going to snuggle up with a good book....please let me sleep tonight!!!!! And I sure hope I get some gym time tomorrow....I feel weird not working out! Not good weird either!

Tacey, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better today! You SHOULD be very proud of yourself! 13 out of 16 days is AMAZING!!! Congrats!

Good night.


Wednesday 16 November 2011

Got it started, let's keep it going...(Day 16 Tacey)

Thank you Cher and Steph for your kind words and support...Heck, why else would we be doing this (ok...besides skinny jeans and a bikini in Maui!).

Sure, yesterday was a particularly hard day...but not enough to get this gal down...

Today, I laced up my sneakers (although I know I need to be properly fitted for running shoes) and put on my swanky bright pink running coat and ear muffs and hit the Mission Greenway again for my daily 5km...and I progressed through the 'normal' phases of my 5k, but I am really feeling my endurance picking up....5km doesn't feel like it used to...

Perhaps next week I'll up the distance...but for every day (13 of 16) I have pretty much run a 5k a day and for that...I'm super proud.

I love the creative clarity the runs bring me...perhaps it's all the blood to my brain...

But I am also loving the sense of accomplishment that comes with what I've been able to achieve these past 2 weeks...It's soooo mental, (isn't it???)....and I love that feeling of 'winning' over my inner voice...the weak inner voice that sometimes wants to quit.

Yes, I know I have to respect my body, and to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling like at the 3.5km mark, my left knee is screaming "STOP YOU CRAZY LADY-I CAN'T HANDLE IT"...but that only seems to last for about .75 of a kilo...then I think the thrill of the race catches up and I just want to finish what I set out to accomplish (yes, I am soooo stubborn).

Again, I still have a firm vision of the girl that couldn't get out of a car, or walk across the street without drawing attention because of my walk...and now...I am running...and that is soooo incredibly freeing.

Thank you for this challenge, because I know without it, I would be in a different space and different mental place...and definitely not near as satisfied or proud as I am now.

Thank you Cher.  Thank you Steph....Only 14 days to go...

Love and hugs...


PS.  Have I mentioned that it's been 16 days with NO CHIPS!!??!!  (I guess I just did).

So sleepy

I don't have any measurement news. :( I had to cancel my appointment. This insomnia business is kicking my butt. My daughter woke up just after 11 last night, and I never went back to sleep. I've rebooked my appointment for next another week to lose an inch!

I forced myself to go for my walk at lunch. I thought that I'd feel better afterwards. The fresh air was great, but when I got back, I felt terrible. I am just so, so tired. I came home tonight, and my husband took care of has been awesome. :)

I'm going to stop being so stubborn and take a sleeping pill tonight. I have to sleep! It's the hangover feeling I hate so much and I'm not sure which is worse...being tired or that feeling! UGH. And not to mention, I don't want to become dependant on them.

I've managed to get my eating back on track. Despite being so tired today, I'm feeling so much better about my body. I can't believe how much it's changing shape. So hopefully after a good night's sleep I can have an awesome run tomorrow!

Good night...(i hope)


Trainer Notes & Workout - Fitness Challenge Day 16!

Hey Ladies & Gents!

I wanted to let the bloggers know that the blogging has been hugely popular.  On average there are 50+ views to the blog every day.  That is awesome, and I hope people are feeling inspired and encouraged in their own journeys!

Yesterday I did a killer workout with one of my clients (you ROCK Shay!) and here is how it went.  Our legs are like jello and bums quite sore so it did the trick!

Each move was 40 seconds in length with 20 seconds of rest (we counted our reps):
1. 6 Wide Running Knees + 1 Burpee
2. Plank Jacks (in plank take legs in and out)
3. Single Knee Jump Up + Tuck jump (KILLER)
4. Alternating Reverse Lunge with Biceps Curl

Shay has a bum wrist and I have my MVA injury so we modified where we needed to - but still rocked it.

If you have never worked with a personal trainer, or would like to, don't forget to check out Ginger & Crew's website - We come to you (Kelowna only)!

Thanks again ladies, you are doing great - ups and downs are to be expected - just keep your lifestyle goals in mind!


Tuesday 15 November 2011

Pushing too hard?

I've been struggling now for about the last week. Low energy, food cravings..... So today, I've been thinking a lot about it. I'm thinking that I'm maybe pushing too hard. Running 4 or 5 days a week is a lot. Plus, I'm working out for 2 hours after work, plus a 30 min walk at lunch. I just don't feel well.

I decided that today...I wasn't going to push as hard. I had my walk in the wonderful sun at lunch. I love walking at lunch...especially on a day like today! I packed my gym bag this morning knowing that if I packed the pants that didn't tie up around the waist I wouldn't be able to talk myself into running. I hopped on the treadmill and did a 35 min walk at 4.0 with hills. I felt weird at first! Then, a lovely, tall, extremely thin girl got on the treadmill beside me and started running. Of course. When I see people like that...I think of it as motivation. But today, I simply couldn't run...or people would see my bum! By the 16 min mark...but butt was burning and I was sweaty and somewhat out of breath. It felt good by the end. I felt like I'd done enough.

It was legs and back today...which is my least favorite! But after the walk rather than the run, I rocked it! I felt so awesome when I left! So now, I'm wondering if that's my problem. Am I pushing a little too hard and possible doing too much? I think that judging by the way my body feels tonight, the answer is yes. I think that I'm going to replace 2 workouts a week with a different type of cardio. That way, I'm also hoping that I don't feel the need for a day off. Or at least walk only on my day off.

I have to body shape is changing a lot. My shoulders have a fair bit of definition now. I love that! I'm meeting with the gym guy tomorrow who will re-take my measurments - he takes different ones so I was unable to compare with Cher's measurements - so I'm looking forward to seeing the difference. He's going to set me up with a new program....which I'm then going to forward to Cher so she can "nasty" it up for me! LOL! He's pretty wimpy in comparison!

Hopefully I'll be blogging about inches lost tomorrow night! Fingers crossed. And Tacey, I sure hope you have a better day tomorrow. And, maybe you should take the medicine, but're stubborness has got you here! You are very strong! Keep it up!




Emotional WIthdrawl?

Hi everyone (Cher and Steph!).

Well, today (day 15) started with a trip to my Rheumy (Arthritis specialist)...which although scheduled 6 months ago, came after a near sleepless night, where my body was pulsing with pain in multiple areas of my body...mostly ankle and right SI joint. 

On a positive note, it's been 15 months without meds (minus painkillers at night) and overall, I'm doing amazingly well (heck-look at what I've been able to do this past 15 days!)....but, the Dr. did order updated xrays to see if me being stubborn (and refusing medication) is actually causing damage to my joints...But, overall, I'm miles away from the girl who couldn't put her own socks on and took 5 minutes just to get out of the car....

Then, after the apt. I had to drive to Penticton to say 'goodbye' to my Dad, who after divorcing my Mom, is leaving to Korea for a year....I didn't think I would be as emotional as I was...but it wasn't easy to say those words....

So from there (where I had a spinach salad for lunch) I came home and it was close to the time when the kids and my hubby come home...

I didn't get in a work out and to be honest, I just don't feel like it....

We all just took a nice brisk walk to the park with out dog, but now, I'm feeling drained...

But, I'm still so happy with how I'm doing, I know that tomorrow is a new day...

And tomorrow, I'll kick me some butt.

Love and hugs....


Monday 14 November 2011

Healthy and Happy

Well, I made it to the gym after work. I had a great workout, but.....I'm just not running as strong as I was a week ago. I'm totally feeling frustrated. I don't believe that a couple of bad days can set me back this much. Last week my 5 kms with intervals was taking me about 33 - 34 minutes. Today it took me 37! Seriously...

The first 3 minutes or so was typical. Legs burning a little...out of breath...thinking and wondering how I am going to get through! But then I settled in and it was great. 13 minutes of jogging with a few sprints mixed in. Then I walked for 2 minutes...then I tried to run again....and it was like running for the first time in months! I got through it all...ended up running/walking for the whole time, but boy did I have to push myself.

This is probably where I'd start to get a bit discouraged. I've been at this now since July. The scale isn't moving and now this. But, I'm determined to not let it happen this time. I'm going to keep plugging away. Hopefully I'll be able to see a few inches drop by the end of this.

I truly believe that positivity is the key.'s the positives: I'm seeing definition in my shoulders, my chest, my biceps, my legs are much stronger, my collar bones are starting to be visible, I FEEL better, I am much less moody and I'm feeling way more confident.

I'm happy. Despite being a little frustrated...I'm happy. I love this. I love exercise. So if I don't lose a pound, but I have my health to keep this up.....I'M HAPPY!!!!!

Good night!


Half way???? Nah...This is just the beginning...

Sure, we are half way through this challenge, and sure, certain body parts are wondering what the heck is going on????

But for I've been told lovingly by friends....this is the beginnings of a new routine...a new way of living...a new 'normal'.

This is NOT just a competition...this is a new leaf to be turned...a new that will stick with me longer than the challenge...

So yes, I know I have to kick it up a notch...but in all honesty...Running another 5 k today in record time IS kicking it up a notch for me...If I can do this every day for nearly a month straight...heck, not only will I have dropped a few pounds, but I will have established a new normal...a new way of living...a new standard to live up to...

Yes, I agree I must add to this 5k business (and yes, normally I do add weights) but I hear Cher...and I know I need to add some variety to the mix to keep my body and mind on their toes....

Today, despite 'only doing my 5k', I feel good (na na na na na naaaa, I knew that na naaa na na naaa).

Love and hugs...


2 Weeks in.... Fitness Awesomeness! Trainer Notes

Congrats to the bloggers and non-bloggers doing the challenge (it's ok that you don't like to write!) - you guys are a success!

We are 2 weeks in and as you have mentioned there are some changes happening.  Feeling awesome, some changes to your body - and now is the home stretch!  Let's change up your routines a little.  We tend to get stuck in the same workouts and forget the need to change things.  Steph has started adding intervals to her weight training - awesome, that is what I am talking about.  If you are going out for a run, take a band with you and throw in some strength training afterwards or at a pretty spot with a view - OR at every bench, do either push ups, dips, or step ups.  It's easy to make little changes and sometimes hard to get out of old routines.  Never forget that our bodies need to be challenged. 

Food, Food, Food - don't forget about the food.  As I mentioned in comments on other posts, when you are not training, you do not need as many calories going in.  Also the 80/20 rule - be super good 80 percent of the time.  Do not feel guilty for the other 20.  If you were training for a fitness competition, there would be no 20 percent guilt free.  But we are training for life, and we are realistic and doing awesome!

Keep up the good work - don't give up, and stay strong!

... And don't forget to have a little fun!  (From the Ginger & Crew Photo Shoot Aug 2011)

Sunday 13 November 2011

Lucky 13 {Tacey}

Well, without guilt or regret, I chose to sleep in, enjoy my day (and night) and take the day off from running and/or working out.

Sure, I was still outside in the park with the dog and the family, but no concerted effort to work out today.

The way I look at it, out of 13 days I have only missed that's perfectly acceptable.

I am still being very aware of what I'm eating and overall, I feel bloody fantastic.

Last night while running I was starting to feel pain in my knees...but I'll just chalk that up to working so hard...Hopefully they won't be an issue this week (or in the future).

I am so grateful for where I am, as I can vividly recall when my arthritis left me pretty much immobile...Went from running 45km a week to not being able to walk to lift my baby to nurse him...I remembering thinking "Man-I wish I could just run.....just run." and now, I can, and for that, I am so grateful.

I welcome tomorrow....I'm contemplating signing up for a 10km on December 3rd, but am not certain that 20 days is enough to prepare...Cher-what do you think????

Hugs and love...


Paying the price. - Steph Day 13

Boy did I pay the price today. I really have taken the last 2 days off of everything. No exercise, ate what I wanted, and generally just lazy. Well today....I paid for it! WOW! I ended up having unexpected dinner company, so by the time my husband got home, the gym wasn't an option. But I thought, "that's okay...I'll go to the greenway and have a great run!" Yeah, not so much!

Amazed me what 2 and a half days off does to you! I was sluggish, completely breathless, had zero endurance and after a few sets of stairs, my legs felt like jello! But after a good stretch, I felt great! Glad that I had at least gotten it in.

Now that my sleeping seems to be back on track, I'm going to attempt 5am running again before the weather turns horrible. Such a great way to start the day! I wish that others in my family shared my passion for fitness and my desire to be healthier. It's a real struggle to watch someone you love so much not realize the importance of exercise and healthy eating. But nagging isn't a solution, and hopefully I can lead by example.

I am sad the weekend is over, but looking forward to getting back into the routine of weekdays!

Happy Monday everyone!

Same time tomorrow! I really am growing to love this! Can be quite therapeutic! Not to mention...sure helps keep a girl honest! ;)

Saturday 12 November 2011

Steph Day 12

The days that I don't train just feel odd. And for some eating becomes poor. Is that better when you exercise? It's like I knew I was taking the day off, so I figured, subconsciously, that I can eat whatever I want. It's only now that I feel full that I'm thinking this whole thing through. I HATE being full. It's the worst feeling. Especially at night....ick.

I did have a great day with my daughter though. Pictures at the park were much fun! seems that my body had decided to sleep again! I can't tell you how much better I feel. I didn't really realize how awful I felt til I felt better. I even got to have a nap this afternoon.

My husband is back home tomorrow afternoon. I WILL be going to the gym no matter what happens. My plan is some stairs, and some sprints at the greenway then to the gym for some upper body work. If I still feel like I can't run...I'm going to get on the treadmill and do some hills. No matter what.....I'm working out! And I can't wait!

My struggle with food continues. I do feel that the way I feel right now is progress though. I feel like I've identified one of my issues. There is no sense in sitting her feeling bad about myself...I just need to get up, dust myself off and start fresh...not in the morning...NOW. No time like the present!

My goal for next week is....Sunday night...sitting here....blogging about how proud I am to have stayed on track for a full 7 days! Starting right now!

Good night all....Hope your Sunday is great! :)

Day 12 Already???? (Tacey here)

Wow...Has it really been nearly 2 weeks since we began this journey?

Today, I just want to share the things I am noticing....

1.  I sleep sooo much better.  It seems as though the exercise helps with the mental noise I normally have in my head (the stuff that wakes me in the middle of the night) OR the exercise just tires me out enough that I don't wake up for it.

2.  My running is becoming more and more effortless (for a 5k anyway). I'm learning to recognize the phases of a run and how I feel during each phase (ie. the first few minutes."Ugh, I'm gonna die" to the giant exhale when I reach my cadence, to the final third leg where I'm mentally pushing myself).  I simply allow myself to go through each stage and know that if I get past the first 5 minutes, I'm golden.

3.  I'm looking better...Yes, today was the first day in over a year that I went shopping in the mall and wasn't totally depressed looking in the mirror....and it felt AMAZING!!!!

4.  I'm happier.  Yes, I have more energy and I feel really happy about the way I'm taking charge of my health and my physical appearance.  I've always known what I had to do, but I just never did it...and now, I am, and that makes this girl really, really happy.

Today, I ran 4k and pumped some iron in the gym...mostly upper body, with some lunges, squats, and push ups...yes, even push ups.

Happy Saturday my friends!

Love and hugs.


Friday 11 November 2011


My alarm went off at 6 this morning, hoping to get up and run. I turned it off, rolled over and went back to sleep! I slept all night last night! Yay!!!! Anyway, I got up at about 7, and decided I'd go. I honestly left the house, ran across the street and I couldn't believe how is was feeling! I had run maybe 15 legs were numb, I was already out of breath, and my ankles felt like they were going to give out. I stopped.

I thought that I'd continue on and finish the 5km route by walking it. Half way around, I got sick. I couldn't believe how awful I felt. I finished the walk, since I was pretty much in the middle, and got home and flopped. I think my body is trying to tell me to take a bit of a break.

I don't think it's too much exercise that's causing this. I think it's the exhaustion from lack of sleep THEN exercising as hard as I do. I won't have the opportunity to do any exercise tomorrow...which totally bums me out...even feeling like this!!! So park, trampoline, tag and a walk at a 3 year old's pace will be a good thing.

Back to it Sunday....I HOPE.


See you tomorrow!


TACEY DAY 11 {feeling grateful}

Funny...11 has always been my favorite jersey number in sports, and a number that whenever I see it in duplicates (11:11) I feel connected and grounded (I know, call me a flake).

So, today, Remembrance Day, November the 11th, 2011..that's a lot of 11's....

I took my son to the Service in town, as my husband was marching in the parade and my son thought it would be pretty cool to see Daddy in the parade....So downtown we went...Then, feeling all warm and fuzzy as a family, we went to see Puss in Boots...yes...I ate popcorn.  But the really cool thing is that 'normally' my husband would WOOF down a large to himself, and I would devour a regular on my own...Today, we shared a large, but stopped before it was empty..For us (especially my husband) was pretty impressive...

Then, coming home and after eating dinner, it was cold and rainy..the day had come and gone without my run or exercise...and it bugged me.  So much so that I actually put on my runners at 720pm and took off for a good 25 minute fast run...I know it wasn't much, but it got my blood pumping and my bod I know it did me some good.

I'm realizing how much I miss running...and for that I am grateful.

Tomorrow...I feel a big one coming on...

Hugs and love,


PS.  Steph, you are a doll..not to worry at me, you are not the first person to get my name wrong, that's for sure!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Oooops! Damn Wagon!

Not my greatest day today. I slept last night...only woke up twice, but I feel more tired today then yesterday. So I decided to give myself the day off. Figure that I must need it...I feel exhausted. I kinda cheated...ate 4 hallowween bars. Damn wagon tipped me off! Well, back up...upward and onward!

I did manage to walk on my lunch break. But real exercise. But I'm feeling okay about that. I think the day off won't hurt honestly. I'm sure that Cher may disagree....but at least I don't have any guilt tonight!

My husband is leaving tomorrow at around noon til Sunday afternoon. I won't be able to workout on Saturday, as I have no one to watch my daughter. I'm going to have an awesome big workout tomorrow morning and then spend the day at the park on Saturday. Chasing and climbing with kids will burn some calories. I should be able to go Sunday evening for a workout. Fingers crossed. I really do crave the burn!

Hope your long weekends are fabulous. Hope everyone stays on track and has a great time doing so! Rain or shine early morning run for me tomorrow! Can't wait!



How many days are we in???

Funny that I 'think' it's been 9 now..but at this moment, I've stopped counting the days and am trying to simply settle into this new routine (and make it less of a sprint and more of a jog-if you know what I mean).

I felt horrible about not exercising yesterday, because, to be quite honest, I really like the way I feel after, and I like that I feel like I'm one step closer to tighter abs and a more toned bod (for my bikini in Maui!).

Soooo, this morning I took my snappy new jacket, put on my sneakers and did a 5km at Mission Creek...and it was glorious!  Yes, there were moments where I thought "heck...walk for a bit"...but I powered through and before I knew it, I was done..ha!  I felt really, really strong and totally noticed how different I felt from doing the same run a mere 8 days ago...(remember, I could barely talk).

One thing for me that really pulls me through is good, pumping music!!!

I found MotionTraxx a few years ago and they provide some really motivational running music...

Anyone else care to share a play list that is great to run to???

A big shout out to the ladies at the Running Room...I was provided impeccable customer service with regard to every last detail.  I highly recommend anyone who needs to get suited up for a winter of running, go to the Running Room...they'll take very good care of you.



PS.  Steph!!!  Don't be soo hard on yourself....Geeesh, not sleeping is torture to the mind and the body...An all natural herbal remedy is called Ashwaganda (and you can buy that at Natures Fair or Choices).  It's used to aid in getting to sleep and/or anti anxiety.....Get rest soon....(oh, and my name is actually Tacey..not Tracey-but you can call me Tracey, and I won't mind...just thought I'd let you know.) ;)

Long weekend training!

This goes out to everyone on a regular training schedule - you need to still train even if it's a long weekend! Many people tend to say 'I'll take the long weekend off, I deserve it!'. WELL - you deserve to stay active and continue with your progress over the weekend! Plan an active family outing, go for a run, do some weights - whatever you want!

So instead of taking the weekend off, make it a 'choose your favorite training method' weekend - have fun and stick with the plan!

I am heading out of town on Saturday so I am training Friday morning and Sunday, taking Saturday off - it's all planned and I am going to make it happen!

My thoughts to all of the veterans this weekend, thank you for all of your sacrifices for our freedom.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Steph Day 9 Sleepy....

I knew yesterday that I wouldn't be getting in much exercise today. We had company for dinner and I had groceries to get after work. Just a busy evening. Anyway, I've been suffering from insomnia for the last few months. I've tried quite a few things to help but nothing has seemed to help....I don't want to start taking medication. So last night, I was in bed and TIRED by 9:3o. I layed there. Last time I looked at the clock is was after 3am. I get up at 5:30.

I honestly don't know how I've been functioning. Today..I didn't function that well at all. I managed to get my walk in at lunch, but as far as healthy eating goes....didn't have such a great day! No chocolate. But, other stuff. And now.....guilt is setting in. ARGH!

This guilt is very hard to cope with. And this is what I don't want Sophie to feel. Yes, I want her to be aware, but not feeling awful like this. I totally beat myself up. And when I actually write it down, what I consumed, it's really not THAT bad. I ate about a cup of caramel popcorn, and maybe 20 tortilla chips with homemade salsa. So yes....definately could have chosen better snacks, but still not the end of the world. But to me...I'm a failure. :(

I'm sure the fact that I am thouroghly exhausted doesn't help. I'm off to bed now. Planning to have a refreshing early morning run tomorrow. But if I don't sleep....I don't know!

I'm sorry that you are still feeling bad Tracey....get better!


Tacey Day 9 {less great than day 8}

Well, this is the third time I've tried to post this and I am getting frustrated...Somehow Blogger won't post my post. So, I was feeling fire in my chest and missed my morning run with the ladies. Intended on running on my treadmill later in the day... Day got away on me and it never happened. I felt bad, but made the effort to go to the Running Room to invest in running gear that will well suit me in the winter months...No more cold ears or fingers, and I will glow like a candlestick in my new jacket! End of story... Oh, and no chips still... I hope this one posts.... Crossing fingers... Love, Tacey xo

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Staying on Track! Steph Day 8

I started my day today with a run in the rain at 4:45am. Such a great way to start out! I was feeling so awesome by the time I got to work...then...I opened my email. So, without too many details, I had a really bad day.

If I'd have had a day like this as little as a month ago, I'd be so far off track by now. But I stayed strong. I got through it with my butt on track. That makes me very happy. I definately had some negative thoughts and feelings, but I allowed them and didn't stuff them down with chocolate. Progress! Not huge...but still in the right direction.

I had a great workout too. I worked my lower body and back. I didn't have it in me to try intervals in between sets...but still a good workout. I'm still fighting this cold...but I'm determined to not give in. Tracey, you are helping me with that! Thanks! I hope you feel better soon!

That's another reason why this is such a great thing. I find it so hard to find friends that share my passion for working out. I have some, but then time seems to get in the way, but still no one really seems dedicated. So knowing that someone else is there...feeling icky and still managing to push themselves through a workout...very helpful and motivational. Thanks again Tracey!

So my day is nearing the end and my husband is munching away on left over halloween candy. This will be a challenge, but I will get through it....I may attack him and smell his breath...but no chocolate!! And when I look back at my day, I feel good at the progress I've made. :)

Same time tomorrow! Have a great day!


Besides this nasty chest cold going on...I'm feeling pretty darn great these past 8 days.

I feel really empowered about taking action with my weight and health. Spending the majority of time on a computer does take a toll on one's midsection (or end section to be more exact!).

Today I power walked up to the Wilden, then ran around Hidden Lake and all the way home (probably only 3 km) but came home and hammered on the weights again.

Honestly, I am starting to feel a bit of pain in my knee...but I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes...Worst case, I have an eliptical that is far less impact if it gets nasty (darn arthritis).

I even made a healthy low fat tuna dish last night (low fat everything) and it was super yummy...and nooo chips. In fact, much to the suprise of a good friend, I have NO chips in the house! Which obviously helps...

As for the scale, I don't believe there is much of a difference yet...but I can definitely see the beginnings of my obliques coming back....and that's incentive to keep pushing forward.

Talk tomorrow...Keep it up Steph!!! Feel better!!!


Trainer workout - Cardio

I know it's cold out - but layer up and go outside if you can - mist of us are cooped up all day inside - fresh air is good for you!!

30 min workout
Location: Apple Bowl
Equipment: skipping rope

Start with 30 skips, walk up and down stairs, dynamic stretching

Start increasing speed through one set of stairs, 40 skips

Keep increasing speed of stairs, increase skips by 10 each set.

1 Set of stairs, 1 Set of skipping - until 30 min is complete. I got up to 120 skips in my last set - KILLER!!!

Have an awesome day!!! Looking forward to your blogs!!!!


Monday 7 November 2011

I Made it through!

Again...I was forced to get up much earlier then I'd have liked...ya...4:30! UGH!!! I woke up with a sore throat, a cough, and a headache. :( Then it snowed. OMG! I really hate the snow! I couldn't walk during my lunch break because I didn't bring a coat! So by the end of my day I felt slugging and franky was feeling quite sorry for myself!

I fought with myself for the last hour of my day. You should go home and rest. should suck it up and get to the gym. I decided to google...working out with a cold. I guess I was sort of looking for an excuse not to go. Bad, bad...specially after the great "popcorn incident" yesterday! But I read an article that stated it's the best thing to have a moderate workout if you just have a fever. Now, keep in mind...I don't have a cold! I had a sore throat this morning. I just feel a little "off". lol!!! So off I go. And had the greatest workout!!! I made it through the funk, and talked myself into getting my butt in gear! And I felt great for it! I had a great run. That's always the best part of my workout! I had planned to do stairs, but the darn weather (cause did I mention that I HATE the cold and wet?). But it all turned out great!

I'm starting to notice, that I'm not only getting stronger, but I'm also starting to really hold my body differently when I'm exercising. I seem to stand straighter. I keep my core tight, and just seem to naturally be correcting my form. Running seems so much easier. The body is really quite an amazing thing!

And still no chocolate! The first week is over...usually the hardest for me. I'm proud that I've managed to stay on track...mostly! This is such a great thing to have...I'm loving being accountable! Thanks everyone! And Cher.....YOU ROCK!!!

G'nite...see you tomorrow!

Sunday – FUN Day!

Thanks to the time change…my little monkey was up long before she should have been! So we go ready and went to the park. It was beautiful. Having the energy to chase with my kid is such a great feeling. We ran around the park for over 2 hours! Great workout! Lifting, running, sliding, swinging…so much fun!

I really am starting to see my body change. My shape is different. I’m more toned. I’m so much stronger. It’s great! I want to teach my daughter how much fun exercise is. I really think that I need to start thinking about making fitness my career. I have so much love for it. I want to know more…I want to try everything…I want to help people enjoy it…and benefit from it. It’s not an option right now…but soon.

So…confession time! I still haven’t had any chocolate…but I may have had some Creamy Caramel Popcorn from Kernels. Ooops. L But…I controlled my portion, and ate well for the rest of the day. So really, minor slip up.

As far as weekends go….I feel that I’ve pretty well stayed on track. And that….makes me proud of myself. Makes me feel like I’m progressing in my journey towards living a healthy lifestyle.

I had computer problems tonight. I couldn’t get on the internet. So I’m writing this in Word. I hope this is okay…..!

ONE FULL WEEK {Tacey Day 7}

Who hooo!

It's great to have one full week behind us...It feels great.

What's great is how quickly 'excercising' is becoming just a part of my day now...and today I did it first thing in the morning and by 10 am, I had worked out and felt great.

This morning's workout consisted of a 20 minute run (I actually didn't have a set time frame in mind this morning, I just wanted to go hard and by 20 minutes, the power got disconnected accidentally, so I took it as a sign). Following the run, I used free weights and worked my upper and lower body and of course, finished up with some ab work.

I was good and sweaty at the end, and felt like I'd worked hard.

I like what Cher mentioned in her tips for week 2 about 'this' not being a diet, or a contest...the point of this all is to incorporate these positive changes into a way of life....not just for the next 24 days...

I can see how it's easy to start all 'gung-ho', and then slowly fizzle back to your old ways...BUT, I will not let that happen...Clearly I want to be a bit more restrictive in order to maximize this month's efforts, but overall, I think I'm shifting my lifestyle in a very positive direction...

Oh, and still no chips! (ok, I DID buy some veggie sticks, that are crunchy, and are kind of like chips, but I only had a few last night...nothing at all like my nights with Old Dutch).

See y'all tomorrow....


Week 2 Tips to stay the course!

Hello Bloggers and Followers!

It is week 2 and I am so proud of the bloggers accomplishments!  Changes to your training, eating and lifestyle are going to give BIG rewards over the next 3 weeks.  Always remember that this is a lifestyle change, and not a diet.  Diets come and go, pounds go up and down, but if you change your lifestyle, you will be more likely to stick with it.

Some tips for week 2 (followers can use these too!)
-Increase your veggie intake.  We tend to forget about our greens - today I have a bag of carrots, an apple, and some greek yogurt with fruit.  Tonight I will have chicken with half of my plate filled with salad/veggies. 
-WATER!  Keep a mental note on your water intake.  With the temperature dropping we tend not to drink as much water - if you are cold, drink hot water with lemon, yum!
-Set your weekly goal - is it a running goal?  Is it increasing the number of workouts?  Set your goal today and reward yourself at the end of the week - a foot massage from your significant other?  An evening of movies and healthy snacks?

This week will be great - stay on course and be strong!


Sunday 6 November 2011

20 k!!!! {Tacey Day 6}

Is it day 6 already?????

Just finished working out...yep, I'm actually dripping sweat on my keyboard (some say gross, I say sexaaaay).

I did another 5k today, and just like everyone, there are times when it's soooooo easy to just hit the stop button and say "some is better than none, right???" but there's nothing more satisfying than finishing what you set out to accomplish....and this week, I've completed 4 5km runs in 6 days...not too shabby I say.

Last night I went out with my hubby on a date and we are both trying hard to reduce the amount of crap we consume...and having him on board really really really helps me out...ya see, my amazing husband has a huge sweet tooth, and both of us like munching at night...Obviously it's pretty hard for me to resist my munchies at night if my partner beside me on the couch is chompin' away on Munchie Mix.

So, I'm pleased with my progress so far and am very grateful to have discovered (and signed up for) this challenge. THANK YOU CHER!!!!

Hugs and love..


PS. Thank you Steph for your well wishes...the cold's still here, but I do feel much better's to a great week ahead...keep up the great work!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Steph - Day 5 - The Weekend!

This is one of the first Saturdays that I haven't cheated in a very VERY long time. I would use Saturdays as my cheat day. I don't think it works that well for me. If I cheat on Saturday, then I don't feel well Sunday, and tend to eat poorly again, and not exercise. It's sort of like having a hangover for me

I got up this morning at 5:30, and just knew it would be a good day. We went out to get wood for the fire place, which is always enjoyable family a great workout! It was a beautiful day, and the fresh air felt awesome!

By 1:00, I was pretty tired already. But, I made it to the gym. I ended up have an amazing workout! Did 5K in just under 35 mins - doing intervals. Lower body and back - strength training, and then 15 mins on the bike - hills. I feel great!

And day 5 of eating well. No! I'm actually pretty hungry tonight, so I'm going to have a healthy snack - yogurt and a fruit - and that's it! I love how I feel today! And after talking with Cher this afternoon, I can't wait to start adding intervals into my strength training. Today, I tried some jump squats in between sets, but mostly did abs.

And now, enjoying the evening....GUILT FREE!!!! That's a great feeling! I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. Staying on track and feeling great. Hope you get rid of your cold Tracey! :)

TACEY DAY 5-Being Kind To Myself

My morning started early, like I mentioned yesterday, today I had a 8-9 hour shoot ahead of me.

The shoot went fine, but I've been fighting a nasty chest cold for about 2 weeks and today, I really felt it in my body...ache, stiff, sore, tired (none of which were fabulous muscles aches...I actually quite like those aches).

Anyhow, I came home earlier than we had anticapted (we rocked it out rather quickly) and 'normally' I would reward myself with a nice cold beverage, a nibble of crackers and cheese and say "Yay me..job well done".

TODAY, no beer. no cheese. no nibblies...I actually pulled out the celery and hummus and had that as my snack.

I'm still contemplating going for a run or a light workout, but honestly, my body and head and chest are telling me "take care of nice to me...maybe you need to rest".

So, I'm listening...and I don't feel like a failure at all. Being healthy and fit means learning when to push yourself and when not to.

Besides, if I rest up and recouperate, I will be all ready for a great workout tomorrow...and have I mentioned it's been 5 days without CHIPS?????


Friday 4 November 2011

Trainer Notes - Week 1

CONGRATS to all of you bloggers! 

I know this past week has been tough - but I see everyone is making progress, in fitness and in food!  I would like to share a true story about one of my clients:
After months and months of no results this client and I came to a conclusion - somethings gotta change.  We have gone through the process of food allergy testing (which was eye opening for her), injury recovery (many) and learning about our bodies.  2 Weeks ago she kicked it up a notch with her training.  Instead of training 3 days per week, she is now training 5 days per week - in 2 weeks she has dropped 4 pounds + lost over a half a percent in body fat.  It is awesome!!  It goes to show that even just a little increase in what you are already doing can break you through the plateau.

Bloggers, be sure to blog this weekend - every day!  Tell us about your struggles and accomplishments - and don't forget - family active time is exercise!

Well done for week one, BRING ON WEEK 2 (after a very well behaved weekend I hope!)

If you haven't already - visit the Ginger & Crew Website!

Steph - Day 4

Day 4...a super success! It was funny...I totally caught myself. My daughter spent the day with my mom and dad, and of course my mom always sends treats home. So Sophie and I get in the car and she hands me a cookie. I put it to my mouth....and was like...what are you doing!?! hahaha. Gave it back to her and told her I'd wait til I got home and have some veggies. YAY! Shows how much I eat that I don't account for.

Then, I started trying on pants. I put on a pair of jeans that didn't even come close to buttoning up about 2 months ago....the fit perfectly! It was like a prize for eating well! And all my motivation has been restored! Finally...something to show for all of my hard work. I have to say...the scale...has been a little hard on me!

I unfortunately didn't get a whole lot of exercise in though. Walked on my lunch break, but that's it. Fridays are very hard to fit anything in. Very busy day for my family. I had full intentions of running early this morning....but I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've been up...wide awake since about 12:20 this morning. And as I'm typing this, I'm saying to myself, "just another excuse, Steph". So, that will be my goal for next Friday....get a good workout in....NO MATTER WHAT! :)

I've gotta say, day 4 of blogging...and it's making a big difference in my feelings of accountability. I sure hope that all of the other ladies are feeling as positive and motivated as I am today. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend, stays on track, and starts their next week feeling positive, healthy and motivated!

PROGRESS {Tacey Day 4}

Well, I'm starting to settle into this whole 'commitment to fitness' idea.
Not just working out 'when I find time', or 'when I feel like it'...this is pushing myself every day to make a conscious effort to PUSH MYSELF.

Today was a bit hard getting started. My goal was to do another 5km (on the treadmill) followed with weights. went something like this.

First 3 minutes: "Crap. This totally sucks. How can I be wanting it to be over already- I HAVE like 30 minutes to go before I can stop?!???!"

Reaching 4-5 minutes..."Hmm. Almost have a mile in already...Not so bad."

Minute 6ish: "Ahhhh" (You know, that great exhale when you finally 'settle into' your run?).

Minutes 7-20 : "I'm grooving. I'm dancin' away to the tunes, don't even feel it anymore"

Minutes 20-27: "Daaaamn...If I keep doing this every day, I'm surely getting back into my skinny jeans!".

Minutes 28-32: "Push Tacey. Push!"

Minutes 33:35: "Grrrrrrrrrr...Almost there....(Rhymes with} DUCK YA!!! I'm a runner!! Whoo hoooooooo. I DID IT! That wasn't so hard after all!"

After the run I went on and worked on triceps, biceps, lunges, pushups and shoulder presses...

I'm certainly not breaking any speed records with my running, but that is totally irrelevant. But having not really run in quite a while to hammerin out 3 full on 5km (wihtout stopping in 2 and only stopping to turn around in 1).

Indeed, I have pushed myself today (and for the past 4 days) and feel pretty darn good about it.

I guess it really comes down to being's like this challenge, and the expectation of accountability, has really turned on a switch inside of me.

For that, I'm grateful.

Tomorrow...Day 5 will be a bit more of a challenge to squeeze in my workout (I have to travel to my shooting location and will be shooting all day) BUT, I vow to get in at least a few k and some weights.

Keep it up's worth it...NO, no, no, no...YOU

Thursday 3 November 2011

Steph - Day 3 - Too Hard on myself

Well, no sweets today! YAY!!! It actually wasn't even hard to resist. Everyone is brining in their leftover halloween candy, and it seems it's everywhere. But last night I had a serious chat with myself. Enough is enough. I hate feeling the way I felt last night.

The sky cleared by my lunch break and I enjoyed a walk in the crisp fall air. Blue sky...a good friend to chat with. Great way to spend lunch. And by about 2:30, I was squirming with excitement because I couldn't wait to get to the gym! There is a lady who goes at the same time I do, and turns out, she was a personal trainer in Austrailia. She told me that I need to mix it up. So that's exactly what I did today. I did 1 set of interval jogging/sprinting on the treadmill (20 mins) and then interval hill on the upright bike (25 mins). Then strength training on upper body. Now, although I feel like I had an awesome workout, my mind, because I'm so set in the thinking that I have to run, tells me I didn't do enough.

I am very hard on myself. I try to not be, but I am. I had an eating disorder when I was in my early teens, which still haunts me to this day. Something I obviously don't want to pass on to my daughter. This is the biggest reason my goal is to be healthy. I teach her that treats are an occasional indulgence...something I must learn also! LOL!!! But, with the good days outweighing the bad, I feel that I'm well on my way.

I'm starting to notice definition in my arms. My legs are stronger and firmer. I was hiking in the bush the other day, and I couldn't believe how much more stable I was, and how much easier it was to navigate over all the obstacles - all that nasty core work seems to be paying off too!

I'm feeling positive, happy, healthy and very lucky. Day 1 no chocolate....I DID IT!! hehe.

Margaret - Day 3

Well Margaret is plugging along nicely.  She is trying to swim and bike as much as possible -

The swimming is helping me out a lot.  First day – one lap!  And then steadily I have crept up to 30.  It really sucks having a full time and a part time job plus family and a house etc because I really don’t have much time, but I will try some floor exercises this weekend to rebuild some strength.  Biked 120 min on the bike today! J  

Tacey-Day 3 {A little time with my friends}

Well, date night with my girlfriend went waaaaay later than anticipated, and we drank a few too many glasses of wine...BUT, I ate a salad and said "NO" to dessert...and day 3 NO CHIPS! (whooooo hoooooo!)

We really do need our friends in our lives...They are our cheerleaders, our confidents, our mirrors....and I am so incredibly grateful for the ladies in my life who pick me up, and keep me motivated.

But what I think I realized today is I need to make a conscious effort to incorporate fitness into my visits with my opposed to wine with my friends (although that CAN be fun and often therapuetic).

This morning I hiked Knox and had a nice jog with a dear friend, whom I greatly admire...

It was fabulous....fresh air and great conversation (although I still find it hard to run and talk at the same time).

Yes....I commit to doing more of 'today' and less of 'last night'.

Not a huge revelation, but every little a-ha helps, right?

Congrats to my fellow Challengers...only 27 days to go!

Hugs and love...


Margaret Day 1 & 2

So this is Cher, posting for Margaret who is having a tough time with her computer..... and has asked me to blog this for her!

Day 1:

I missed the measuring yourself but that is ok.  Maybe we can measure next week.  I have gained 20 pounds.  I cannot believe it.  I am so disappointed in myself.  BUT Nov 1 is here and all will be ok J

Day 2:

Margaret swam 30 laps and did a 30 min walk!  Awesome!  We are meeting next week to go over her goals and how to accomplish them, working AROUND her injury!  Make sure you do something today Margaret - we are looking forward to your blog posts!


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Steph - Day 2

Today....not so great. I have been stuck at home with a sick kid all day. I got up at 5am and attempted a run. I just couldn't muster up the energy today. I managed to walk at a good pace for about 40 mins, so on the positive side...not all was lost. But EEK it was cold! Brrrrr.

So I have been pretty sedentary today, which makes me feel icky. Bordem set in, halloween candy in the house....yeah...I had very little self control. Ugh. I didn't have as much as I would have 4 months ago, but right now...1 is too many. I hate my "addiction" to chocolate. I think that if I can get that under control, everything else will be awesome. It's a daily struggle. I do so well at work all day, managing to avoid many temptations, but then when I get home, I unravel.

The term "comfort" food makes no sense to me. When I eat that kind of food, I feel nothing but UNcomfortable. I feel guilty, angry, sad, and disappointed in myself. I generally eat healthy. I love veggies, salads, fish, healthy stuff is what I gravitate to. Apart from sweets. I've tried appetite suppressants, nothing...PGX....nothing....Hoodia...again...NOTHING. Then when I stop taking it, it seems I gain faster. So I've stopped taking all that crap, and have been trying extra hard to eat right. Self control....gotta find some!

But, I'm looking forward to a new day tomorrow. Time to get out of the lazy funk I seem to have let myself fall into today. My goal for tomorrow is no sweets. I've decided that I'm approaching this one day at a time. This is one thing I haven't tried. Exercise isn't enough...something else I need to understand.

Writing this others who GET IT...really helps. I don't feel half as bad now as I did when I started. Tomorrow is a new day...a fresh start...and I'm soooooo going take advantage of it!