Friday 18 November 2011

Last day I hope!

I decided after yet another sleepless night, that I was going to stay home today. So I did. It was great. I went to the doctor this morning, and she said that I was to not have a nap today. I looked at her like she was insane! She laughed! She thinks my sleep cycle is off, and has given me some short term medication to get things back on track. So, funnily goal of the day was to stay away! Mission accomplished! Yay? lol

So I made a nice supper for my family, and no sooner did my husband walk in the door, and the phone rang and out he went again. This on call thing sucks. I shoveled the driveway, lit the fire, and have his supper ready to heat up when he gets home.

But, yet another day of no exercise. I was very sedentary today, which isn't so great for the positvity. Altough I know that I need it, I just don't like it. I enjoy being busy. I got to get out and shovel at least....a few calories burned. Tomorrow, I'm going to hopefully be able to get out and have a great run. (Kudos Tacey for the snow run! So, so motivational! Thanks for that!) I'm hoping that I get to sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow, although the pharmacist has prepared me for a groggy day tomorrow. But no matter what, I will power through that feeling, and get some exercise in.

And on a super fun will be the first snowman my daughter and I build together tomorrow. That is awesome!!!! So as much as I dislike this weather, I sure hope it sticks around for that. Well, I'm going to try to sleep....fingers crossed! Hopefully I'll have good news tomorrow!


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