Wednesday 16 November 2011

So sleepy

I don't have any measurement news. :( I had to cancel my appointment. This insomnia business is kicking my butt. My daughter woke up just after 11 last night, and I never went back to sleep. I've rebooked my appointment for next another week to lose an inch!

I forced myself to go for my walk at lunch. I thought that I'd feel better afterwards. The fresh air was great, but when I got back, I felt terrible. I am just so, so tired. I came home tonight, and my husband took care of has been awesome. :)

I'm going to stop being so stubborn and take a sleeping pill tonight. I have to sleep! It's the hangover feeling I hate so much and I'm not sure which is worse...being tired or that feeling! UGH. And not to mention, I don't want to become dependant on them.

I've managed to get my eating back on track. Despite being so tired today, I'm feeling so much better about my body. I can't believe how much it's changing shape. So hopefully after a good night's sleep I can have an awesome run tomorrow!

Good night...(i hope)


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