Thursday 17 November 2011

Sleepy....and getting grumpy!

I'm not feeling posititive at all today. I feel like the universe is working against me at this point. I haven't had a good sleep in months, and today it caught up to me...with a vengeance. I fell asleep at work. I don't even have words to describe how that makes me feel. I have a very good friend at work who spoke up for me....cause I'm a chicken....and I came home and slept all afternoon.

I've been dealing up until today. Tired, but okay. Today, I'm grumpy, angry, sad, and have no patience at all. And I'm trying to's going to be okay. I'm going to get some different medication tomorrow, I'll get sleep and I'll be back at the gym tomorrow afternoon. But of course...yet another hurdle. My husband is on call at work this weekend. That means, he can be called out, day or night, for the next 7 days. This is always a hard week for us both. He's understandabley tired and grumpy, and now that I'm tired and grumpy also.....ugh..gunna be quite a week! And this also means, that IF I get to go to the gym, I may not be able to stay. Argh.

I will find ways to work out. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the gym 3 or 4 times at least over the next week, but I'll have to take what I can get. I'll have to get short bursts of activity in several times a day...lots of core, squats, lunges, sprints, skipping...I'll be okay. Hey, I might have fun too! Lots of yard work too....hopefully if the snow gets lost!

Well, I'm sitting drinking chamomile tea. Going to snuggle up with a good book....please let me sleep tonight!!!!! And I sure hope I get some gym time tomorrow....I feel weird not working out! Not good weird either!

Tacey, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better today! You SHOULD be very proud of yourself! 13 out of 16 days is AMAZING!!! Congrats!

Good night.


1 comment:

  1. Steph...I'm so sorry to hear about your day. Life (and our body) sometimes shakes us to the core...and it's not always easy hearing the message it's trying to tell us...I'd be interested to learn of your hubby's profession as I also have a husband that can be called out at any time...It's not easy being married to an on-call'er...Quite often we have to put ourselves last in those types of situations...I really hope things go better for you this weekend...But remember to give yourself credit for trying...You are here and you are doing this and that's fabulous in itself. (Dammit!)
