Wednesday 23 November 2011


I've only just today learned exactly how tired I really was. All last week, before I got a cold, I could barely run. I couldn't figure it out. I felt like I had just begun all of this again. My muscles ached, I had zero stamina, and post workout...well...I thought that I might die! Well, I got home today, and I decided that I was going to run! Enough of this feeling crappy. I thought at least if I'm not feeling up to a full run, I'll walk the 5kms. Well, I started to run, and honestly 10 strides in, I was amazed at the difference in my body. Holy smokes! It felt amazing!

And....another successful WW day! That's right! 2 days! I'm just home from the gym, becuase I felt so great after my run, I thought I'd better get some strength training in, and I have to admit...I'm very hungry. :( But I'm thinking that's just the activity I've done today.

It's actually been a good day. I'm .still dealing with this cold, but I'm feeling better every day. And, I slept like a rock last night! Woke up only once. And, it's Wednesday....SURVIVOR! PVR'd and ready to go!

Good night


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