Saturday 5 November 2011

TACEY DAY 5-Being Kind To Myself

My morning started early, like I mentioned yesterday, today I had a 8-9 hour shoot ahead of me.

The shoot went fine, but I've been fighting a nasty chest cold for about 2 weeks and today, I really felt it in my body...ache, stiff, sore, tired (none of which were fabulous muscles aches...I actually quite like those aches).

Anyhow, I came home earlier than we had anticapted (we rocked it out rather quickly) and 'normally' I would reward myself with a nice cold beverage, a nibble of crackers and cheese and say "Yay me..job well done".

TODAY, no beer. no cheese. no nibblies...I actually pulled out the celery and hummus and had that as my snack.

I'm still contemplating going for a run or a light workout, but honestly, my body and head and chest are telling me "take care of nice to me...maybe you need to rest".

So, I'm listening...and I don't feel like a failure at all. Being healthy and fit means learning when to push yourself and when not to.

Besides, if I rest up and recouperate, I will be all ready for a great workout tomorrow...and have I mentioned it's been 5 days without CHIPS?????


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