Thursday 3 November 2011

Steph - Day 3 - Too Hard on myself

Well, no sweets today! YAY!!! It actually wasn't even hard to resist. Everyone is brining in their leftover halloween candy, and it seems it's everywhere. But last night I had a serious chat with myself. Enough is enough. I hate feeling the way I felt last night.

The sky cleared by my lunch break and I enjoyed a walk in the crisp fall air. Blue sky...a good friend to chat with. Great way to spend lunch. And by about 2:30, I was squirming with excitement because I couldn't wait to get to the gym! There is a lady who goes at the same time I do, and turns out, she was a personal trainer in Austrailia. She told me that I need to mix it up. So that's exactly what I did today. I did 1 set of interval jogging/sprinting on the treadmill (20 mins) and then interval hill on the upright bike (25 mins). Then strength training on upper body. Now, although I feel like I had an awesome workout, my mind, because I'm so set in the thinking that I have to run, tells me I didn't do enough.

I am very hard on myself. I try to not be, but I am. I had an eating disorder when I was in my early teens, which still haunts me to this day. Something I obviously don't want to pass on to my daughter. This is the biggest reason my goal is to be healthy. I teach her that treats are an occasional indulgence...something I must learn also! LOL!!! But, with the good days outweighing the bad, I feel that I'm well on my way.

I'm starting to notice definition in my arms. My legs are stronger and firmer. I was hiking in the bush the other day, and I couldn't believe how much more stable I was, and how much easier it was to navigate over all the obstacles - all that nasty core work seems to be paying off too!

I'm feeling positive, happy, healthy and very lucky. Day 1 no chocolate....I DID IT!! hehe.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Steph! Onto day 2 with no chocolate! We are very lucky to be alive and healthy, let's stay positive and tell the self-sabbotaging thoughts to hit the road!
