Tuesday 1 November 2011

Frustrated and Disappointed

Hi everyone! I'm Steph. I'm very frustrated and disappointed with where I am with my body right now. I totally "let myself go". Back in the summer, late June, I caught myself making the excuse to someone that I'd just had a baby, and I'm having a hard time finding the time and motivation. My daughter is 3. Ummmm....can't use that anymore. UGH. So, I joined the gym. Which I LOVE! I love exercise. The burn...the sweat...the pain...yes..love the pain! And totally love the feeling of a good workout! So far...I'm down 11 pounds and back into a size 14. So...that SOUNDS good...but here's the thing. I lost the 11 pounds. Went back up 8. Then down 6 again and now down 2. All of this while exercising and eating well (most of the time)!

It's hard to find the time with a 3 year old, a full time job, a house and a husband. But luckily, my husband has been quite supportive. I've been getting up at 5am and running, walking on my lunch break, then going to the gym for my weights after work. Great. I love it. But...still very little weight loss to show for it.

So I went online and googled...."best type of cardio for women". Tells me that running is an inefficient way to lose weight. Pardon me? Re-read....YEP...INEFFICINET. Argh!!!! Okay, so this time I'm not going to get discouraged. I keep reading. Interval training is the best. So I keep searching and find a couple of workouts. I get on the treadmill yesterday...thinking it should be a breeze since I'm used to running outside...and for a minimum of 5K..my cardio is decent. OMG. Seriously kicked my butt! I get off the treadmill and decide I'd better do upper body since my legs feel like jelly. I could barely do a bicep curl! It was great!

So today, again...I try it. And again...it kicked my butt! YAY! Not only do I feel awesome, but I feel motivated again!!! I love cardio...it's my favorite part of working out.

I haven't taken measurments since I joined the gym, but I weighed in this morning...and I am still down 11 pounds. I will take measurments, as I'm sure that they will show significant improvement.

So basically, excercising is seeming to be on track...now to take on the chocolate addiction!!!! Today has been a good eating day. And a good workout day. Positive thinking. And my goal this time....HEALTH. Yes, I'd love to lose 25 pounds by the end of the month....but I really want to be healthy and to set a good example for my daughter. :)

1 comment:

  1. Steph - I do hear your story more times that I care to tell. I love that you are determined - that is 1/2 of the battle! We are going to get your measurements done, and make sure you stay on track - you are right - 25 lbs in 30 days is a little much, but we are going to get you on your way!
    Regarding interval training - YES, YES, YES! I will recommend some little programs for you to get you going when we meet for measurements.
    You can do it!!!!
