Wednesday 23 November 2011

Trainer Workout - 1 week to go!

So here you are, about to throw in the same old workout DVD at home.  You tell yourself 'Not again!' and decide to skip your workout.  Next time - Don't skip it!!  Here is what I did to keep it fresh:

DVD Circuit
Equipment: Free Weights, BOSU or step, Skipping Rope, Workout DVD

Create a circuit - Example:
1. DVD
2. Skipping
3. Weighted Plie Squats
4. Step with weights (alternating legs, go up on step with one foot, bring opposite knee up, plant knee up foot on ground and take step foot back to a lunge - weight is in hands and goes up everytime you take a knee up - you can get a groove going and get heart rate up easily)

We did 1 min of work with 20 seconds of transition (rest) time.  Start the DVD before you begin your workout (or during your warm up time) and then start timing when the DVD is in full swing.  The idea is that whenever it is time to do the DVD, you just jump in wherever they are at.  We did a punching/kicking DVD so one round we were doing punches, the next kicking etc.  This helps to step out of the boredom of looking at the screen for 50+ minutes.  I turned the sound off on the DVD and turned on some music of our own (I was having technical problems, but in a perfect world the music would have been pumping the whole time!).  We did the circuit for 35 minutes, and we were sweating like crazy when it was done.  We did some abs to finish the session off.

Don't forget that it's ok to do routines at home if you can't hit the gym - most of the time you can come up with something that requires no equipment and just a little space.

Stay Healthy everyone!


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