Saturday 12 November 2011

Steph Day 12

The days that I don't train just feel odd. And for some eating becomes poor. Is that better when you exercise? It's like I knew I was taking the day off, so I figured, subconsciously, that I can eat whatever I want. It's only now that I feel full that I'm thinking this whole thing through. I HATE being full. It's the worst feeling. Especially at night....ick.

I did have a great day with my daughter though. Pictures at the park were much fun! seems that my body had decided to sleep again! I can't tell you how much better I feel. I didn't really realize how awful I felt til I felt better. I even got to have a nap this afternoon.

My husband is back home tomorrow afternoon. I WILL be going to the gym no matter what happens. My plan is some stairs, and some sprints at the greenway then to the gym for some upper body work. If I still feel like I can't run...I'm going to get on the treadmill and do some hills. No matter what.....I'm working out! And I can't wait!

My struggle with food continues. I do feel that the way I feel right now is progress though. I feel like I've identified one of my issues. There is no sense in sitting her feeling bad about myself...I just need to get up, dust myself off and start fresh...not in the morning...NOW. No time like the present!

My goal for next week is....Sunday night...sitting here....blogging about how proud I am to have stayed on track for a full 7 days! Starting right now!

Good night all....Hope your Sunday is great! :)

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