Wednesday 2 November 2011

Steph - Day 2

Today....not so great. I have been stuck at home with a sick kid all day. I got up at 5am and attempted a run. I just couldn't muster up the energy today. I managed to walk at a good pace for about 40 mins, so on the positive side...not all was lost. But EEK it was cold! Brrrrr.

So I have been pretty sedentary today, which makes me feel icky. Bordem set in, halloween candy in the house....yeah...I had very little self control. Ugh. I didn't have as much as I would have 4 months ago, but right now...1 is too many. I hate my "addiction" to chocolate. I think that if I can get that under control, everything else will be awesome. It's a daily struggle. I do so well at work all day, managing to avoid many temptations, but then when I get home, I unravel.

The term "comfort" food makes no sense to me. When I eat that kind of food, I feel nothing but UNcomfortable. I feel guilty, angry, sad, and disappointed in myself. I generally eat healthy. I love veggies, salads, fish, healthy stuff is what I gravitate to. Apart from sweets. I've tried appetite suppressants, nothing...PGX....nothing....Hoodia...again...NOTHING. Then when I stop taking it, it seems I gain faster. So I've stopped taking all that crap, and have been trying extra hard to eat right. Self control....gotta find some!

But, I'm looking forward to a new day tomorrow. Time to get out of the lazy funk I seem to have let myself fall into today. My goal for tomorrow is no sweets. I've decided that I'm approaching this one day at a time. This is one thing I haven't tried. Exercise isn't enough...something else I need to understand.

Writing this others who GET IT...really helps. I don't feel half as bad now as I did when I started. Tomorrow is a new day...a fresh start...and I'm soooooo going take advantage of it!

1 comment:

  1. I find the easiest way to not eat bad stuff is to keep it out of the house. Easier said than done with a family, yes I know, however you did mention your husband is being really supportive - he can support you by keeping those chocolate treats away from you. You recognize your weakness, and that is the 1st step. If you cannot stop at one, then don't eat one. You need to make it that simple.

    It can be tough getting out in the cold weather to train, this I know. So perhaps an indoor interval routine can be done in the mornings?

    Funk be gone, stay strong!

