Thursday 3 November 2011

Tacey-Day 3 {A little time with my friends}

Well, date night with my girlfriend went waaaaay later than anticipated, and we drank a few too many glasses of wine...BUT, I ate a salad and said "NO" to dessert...and day 3 NO CHIPS! (whooooo hoooooo!)

We really do need our friends in our lives...They are our cheerleaders, our confidents, our mirrors....and I am so incredibly grateful for the ladies in my life who pick me up, and keep me motivated.

But what I think I realized today is I need to make a conscious effort to incorporate fitness into my visits with my opposed to wine with my friends (although that CAN be fun and often therapuetic).

This morning I hiked Knox and had a nice jog with a dear friend, whom I greatly admire...

It was fabulous....fresh air and great conversation (although I still find it hard to run and talk at the same time).

Yes....I commit to doing more of 'today' and less of 'last night'.

Not a huge revelation, but every little a-ha helps, right?

Congrats to my fellow Challengers...only 27 days to go!

Hugs and love...


1 comment:

  1. Day 3 No chips - you are on a roll sister! Just keep thinking everytime you have a craving - where are these chips going - they will be digested then stored as fat (because I bet you don't eat chips while training!).

    Keep up the good work!!!
