Sunday 20 November 2011

Hurts so Good!

Another better day! So glad that I'm back at the gym. It feels so good to be sore! Some think that's odd....but it's really great. I actually had the strangest feeling today. I was doing squats with shoulder press, and I totally focused on pressing my heels into the ground on the way up. Wow. My legs were not only shaking, but the pain....actually felt good. I've never felt that before. It made me want to do more!

I didn't sleep very well last night, but I think it had to do with the fact that I'm getting a cold. And I don't really feel that horrible tired I've been feeling. I feel like I'm getting a cold. So, to me....that's progress on the sleep front! And when I woke up and felt crappy, I thought for a few minutes....the universe is really REALLY against me. But, I got up, got going and made a concious decision that I wasn't going to let it get me. It's a cold...suck it up princess!

I haven't really been talking about it much, but I'm having an awful time at work right now. Very stressful. So, I'm so not wanting to go to work tomorrow. Without really saying too much, I think that the majority of my stress is work. I'm really trying hard to deal with things differently and running helps emmensley. I keep telling myself, it pays the mortgage, but that's not really a huge help! But, I'll keep plugging away, and hopefully things will ease off. In the mean time, I will smile and run! hahaha!

I hope that Monday is awesome for everyone. And I hope the sun shines! :)



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