Saturday 12 November 2011

Day 12 Already???? (Tacey here)

Wow...Has it really been nearly 2 weeks since we began this journey?

Today, I just want to share the things I am noticing....

1.  I sleep sooo much better.  It seems as though the exercise helps with the mental noise I normally have in my head (the stuff that wakes me in the middle of the night) OR the exercise just tires me out enough that I don't wake up for it.

2.  My running is becoming more and more effortless (for a 5k anyway). I'm learning to recognize the phases of a run and how I feel during each phase (ie. the first few minutes."Ugh, I'm gonna die" to the giant exhale when I reach my cadence, to the final third leg where I'm mentally pushing myself).  I simply allow myself to go through each stage and know that if I get past the first 5 minutes, I'm golden.

3.  I'm looking better...Yes, today was the first day in over a year that I went shopping in the mall and wasn't totally depressed looking in the mirror....and it felt AMAZING!!!!

4.  I'm happier.  Yes, I have more energy and I feel really happy about the way I'm taking charge of my health and my physical appearance.  I've always known what I had to do, but I just never did it...and now, I am, and that makes this girl really, really happy.

Today, I ran 4k and pumped some iron in the gym...mostly upper body, with some lunges, squats, and push ups...yes, even push ups.

Happy Saturday my friends!

Love and hugs.


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