Wednesday 30 November 2011

END OF THE ROAD (Tacey signs off)

Well, day 30 has finally arrived, and in all honesty, this month absolutely flew by...

I can hardly believe it's been a whole month...In reality, it was one 5k at a time...(which turned out to be almost every day).

Today, like yesterday, I pushed a wee bit harder and finished a 6k run (in about 33 minutes).  After that final run (in this challenge) I knew I really did give it my all...

Sure, I could have consumed less wine, but I still (in THIRTY days) have not have a single potato chip (which was a nightly indulgence).  I bought huge containers of fresh veggies and ate them daily...I ate salads with protein and lots and lots of soup (hellloooo Miso - I think I love you).

I was scared for today's measurements, only because I'm quite used to disappointment and I thought it was best to have lower expectations of my results than to be excited for a great one.

So, today, when sweet as pie Cher met me the very same place we met a month ago, I was scared....

Did I try hard enough??  Did I give it my allllll???  Could I have tried harder???

And the honest answers would be yes, no and yes....but, I DID make huge improvements in my eating and literally ran a 5km nearly every single day for an entire month...and I felt damn good about that...results or not.

Out came the measuring tape...

I was scared to hear the numbers...

In fact, I waited until Cher was done....

Did I want to hear them, she asked...Ummm, "You'll want to hear them Tacey"...


Phew....Cher went on to detail how I've lost 8 inches in the past 30 days!

Sure, my scale has barely moved, but clearly my body has changed...

And for that, and this entire journey...I am so grateful.

I hope that the past 30 blog entries will serve as a true, honest source of motivation for anyone out there embarking on a new path...a healthier one....

It's been a real journey, and I'm glad to have shared it with you.

Love and hugs...


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