Tuesday 29 November 2011

SIX!!!! (Tacey Day 29)

Thank you Cher for your support and kind words...I sounded like a bit of a downer last night, not at all intentional, but knowing that you wanted a 'real' person's perspective of this challenge, I had to keep my promise to be real (although I actually can't help but be real).

This 30 day challenge, and the accountability of this blog, has forced me to simply be real, and honest and I would be doing a disservice if I was not honest with you all with exactly how this process was unfolding....Some days have been great...sooo great that I thought y'all may puke at my positivity...Some days, not so great...Some days, quite ordinary....

Today, well...Still feeling like a bag of Bullmastiff poop with a hole in it..I forced myself into my runners and took to the Greenway.

This time I started in a new location and prior to setting off, decided where my turn around point would be.  It was 3km away...which would mean I would run a total of 6km today.....one km longer than any other run I've done over the past 29 days...

But guess what?????


Nailed it.

(insert Eye of the Tiger intro......)

Tomorrow, the 'big finale'. 

Sure, I hope my measurements reflect the 111 or so kilometres I have run over the past 29 days...the veggies I have munched on, the absence of chips in my life....but if not...I have at the very least shown myself, my body, exactly what I am capable of doing...and for me...three years ago today, I could barely walk..literally, so, to have run a full on, non-stop 6km run today....is reward enough.

Love and hugs...


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