Monday 14 November 2011

Half way???? Nah...This is just the beginning...

Sure, we are half way through this challenge, and sure, certain body parts are wondering what the heck is going on????

But for I've been told lovingly by friends....this is the beginnings of a new routine...a new way of living...a new 'normal'.

This is NOT just a competition...this is a new leaf to be turned...a new that will stick with me longer than the challenge...

So yes, I know I have to kick it up a notch...but in all honesty...Running another 5 k today in record time IS kicking it up a notch for me...If I can do this every day for nearly a month straight...heck, not only will I have dropped a few pounds, but I will have established a new normal...a new way of living...a new standard to live up to...

Yes, I agree I must add to this 5k business (and yes, normally I do add weights) but I hear Cher...and I know I need to add some variety to the mix to keep my body and mind on their toes....

Today, despite 'only doing my 5k', I feel good (na na na na na naaaa, I knew that na naaa na na naaa).

Love and hugs...


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