Friday 18 November 2011

Day 18 {Keeping Strong}

Well...I feel like I'm beginning to sound like a broken record.

Another day, another 5k....

Today, like yesterday, was in the snow...Only today, it was snow-ing...and let me tell you, that's totally different than running 'in' the snow..

Sure, it's similar...there is still snow at your feet...but running in the snow, faced with the distraction of snowflakes pounding your eyes (ya, totally didn't think of sunglasses today...after wasn't 'sunny').  But the peace and tranquility of it all was simply magical...the snow was fresh, but wet and it wasn't too hard to gain traction in my was peaceful and crazy at the same time...

Annnnnd....Day 18 and still NOOOOOO chips!!!

The really funny thing (okay...all men...sorry, you will totally not 'get' this)but  today, 'Mother Nature' paid her monthly visit late this afternoon....and the weird thing is...I had nooooo idea 'she' was coming (no, after 2 children and a husband who is 'fixed' I don't keep track of that stuff anymore).  Normally 'her' visits are preceded with emotional cravings for all things chocolate and crunchy (chips!!).  But this time...I was totally surprised...I had no cravings and my mood was fantastic leading up to tonight...

Point being...I'm associating the lack of 'tell tale signs' of my pending monthly doom with the fact that I've been feeling so gosh darn great running every day....

And that, today, makes the past 18 days completely worthwhile....

Having said that...I'm hoping to step it up even further next week....

Not sure how yet...perhaps I'll increase to 6k's, or even more...

Love and hugs....


1 comment:

  1. Haha you nailed it right on the head. Some women find they experience less severe PMS/cramping when they are exercising regularly. It's awesome!
    Congrats on the 5pm, in the snow, with snow in your face, with no sunglasses..... you are officially hard core!!!
    Have an awesome day tomorrow!!

