Tuesday 22 November 2011

Day 1 WW - Success!

Tuesdays for me are like Mondays for everyone else. I despise them! I'm tired, grumpy (as I'm sure you can tell), and can't wait for them to be over! Despite having a good day, I'm sitting here.....grumpy! I still feel crappy, although better than yesterday, and I just want to go to bed.

Okay....enough. I had a very sucessful day with my food intake. Very happy to report that! I even convinced my husband to eat fish for dinner! I have to say, Weight Watchers to me...is great. I don't feel deprived. I feel satisfied...not hungry, yet on the right track. And it really really helps keep me accountable. If I bite it....I write it! LOL! And...I totally caught myself tonight at dinner. I was cleaning out the fridge as it's garbage day tomorrow, and there was some cheese....mmmm...cheese! So I just grabbed a piece, and ate it. Then all of a sudden..I was like HEY! you can't do that! So, I wrote it down, and it was accounted for. Just makes me realize that I'm totally positive that the reason the scale isn't moving is because of ME.

My friend who's in the fitness industry told me yesterday that realistically, it's 80% diet and only 20% exercise. That explains a lot! But at least I'm not giving up! Keeping my eye on the healthy lifestyle. And....slowly, I'm starting to notice very slight changes in my husband. He is very different from me, and basically worries about nothing. Figures that if he exercises, he'll still have health problems - runs in the family. Yes...definately...but...you can help to fight them, recover better, live longer, all that stuff.

But lately, I've stopped saying anything (he refers to it as nagging). He decided one day that he's going to stop drinking pop. Says it's bad for him. Now, he's started taking a multi vitamin, even though he calls them voodoo medicine. Now in the spring, I'm going to gently try to get him out for walks, hikes, anything!

I'm attempting to run in the morning tomorrow. I figure I've had a few nights sleep, 2 days off hard workouts - time to get back to it! I'm truly excited about that!

Again despite it being a dreaded Tuesday....it was a good day! Day 1 - WW....looking forward to a sucessful day 2!


Good night!


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