Tuesday 8 November 2011

Staying on Track! Steph Day 8

I started my day today with a run in the rain at 4:45am. Such a great way to start out! I was feeling so awesome by the time I got to work...then...I opened my email. So, without too many details, I had a really bad day.

If I'd have had a day like this as little as a month ago, I'd be so far off track by now. But I stayed strong. I got through it with my butt on track. That makes me very happy. I definately had some negative thoughts and feelings, but I allowed them and didn't stuff them down with chocolate. Progress! Not huge...but still in the right direction.

I had a great workout too. I worked my lower body and back. I didn't have it in me to try intervals in between sets...but still a good workout. I'm still fighting this cold...but I'm determined to not give in. Tracey, you are helping me with that! Thanks! I hope you feel better soon!

That's another reason why this is such a great thing. I find it so hard to find friends that share my passion for working out. I have some, but then time seems to get in the way, but still no one really seems dedicated. So knowing that someone else is there...feeling icky and still managing to push themselves through a workout...very helpful and motivational. Thanks again Tracey!

So my day is nearing the end and my husband is munching away on left over halloween candy. This will be a challenge, but I will get through it....I may attack him and smell his breath...but no chocolate!! And when I look back at my day, I feel good at the progress I've made. :)

Same time tomorrow! Have a great day!


  1. You did everything perfect Steph! Turn a bad day into a reason to kick a** at the gym! Taking out your stress and frustration is a great way to feel better. Sitting on the couch eating crap will only make you more depressed (regardless of the inital feeling of yum).

    Good job!!!

  2. Thanks Cher! Definately felt better in the long run!
