Saturday 19 November 2011

Progress, I sure hope!

Day 19 and despite the fact that I 'think' I'm looking tighter and leaner...I sure hope that when it comes time to do my measurements again that I have actually 'made' a difference in my body...

Indeed, I have run my ass off for the past 19 days (another snowy 5km today), and yes, I have abstained from chips for the past nineteen (lonnnnng) days...I've been eating more soups than ever and I've made really good friends with celery...BUT, I just hope I'm not disappointed when I get my results.

I'm sure there will be...despite having less than perfect eyesight, I'm fairly certain I'm shrinking....

I feel amazing (although a wee bit sore in my lower back) and I'm having more energy and my PMS is waaaay less I guess that's great on it's own...

I have about 11 days left and I plan to keep at the same pace or stronger for the last leg of this challenge...

Gosh darnit...I've come this far, right?

Love and hugs..


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