Saturday 17 March 2012

Just when you think you are slacking off.... Day 13

We are moving next week....super exciting.  Only problem is that on top of work, we are sanding, taping, painting, packing, moving, cleaning and on and on.  Needless to say, my workouts have been replaced by sleep.  All hope is not lost!  All of the activities listed above burn mega calories!  And no we are not using electric sanders, or hiring people to clean.  We are sweating and screaming our way through it ourselves.

How many calories does all of this burn (per hour)?  See below:
(Excerpt from DIY Life)





: 68

So just when you think you are in deep trouble for missing your workouts - Think about the 8 hours you spent fixing up your house - it counts!  That being said I can't guarantee you won't need a good run after dealing with your husband doing renos for 8 hours!

Have a great weekend and enjoy St. Paddy's Day!


Monday 12 March 2012

Workout without calves? It is possible! Day 8

To have a workout without calves is like having a workout without using your legs.... honestly.  We use our calves to walk, squat, lunge, get up and down, reach, jump and more.  So when you are like me and you tear your calves running stairs on Thursday (it is now Monday and I still can't touch them), you still need to workout - and hopefully without pain.

Here was my workout which only inflicted SOME pain :)

Warm up

Chest Press with Dumbells
Superset - Side plank with reach unders

Skull Crushers with hip lifts

Static Biceps Curls
Superset - Kickout crunches

Seated Ball/Band push backs (physio exercise)
Plank on the ball with elbow roll outs (physio exercise)

Supine Ball Opposite leg/arm drops

So yes, the getting up and down was painful and sore, but I powered through.  I did try a burpee, not happening today.  I will try for those later in the week when my calves decide to ease up a bit.  And yes I will be running the stairs again this week  -  there is no way I am going through this pain again from not doing them!

Have a great Monday!

xo Cher

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 3 - Let's get serious

I did my measurements today.  I have some work to do, and that is an understatement.  I haven't seen my measurements this high in years! This is going to suck, but it is good to know that I have already made some changes, now I just need to do more!

There are no words to express how much it sucks to see how much you have to lose.  It is a sinking feeling in your gut - and the only thing that can get rid of it is hard work.  So that is what I will do.

I am onto a training regimen of 6 days per week now.  But it doesn't stop there.  FOOD.  I told my husband my measurements and he couldn't believe it.  He knows how much it upsets me, and that the food we eat isn't helping.  So I said that either I make my meals separate or we cook good healthy food together.  We will try together and see how it goes!

I am not going to let this bum me out today.  Positivity is part of the battle, and it is a battle I will WIN!

Here's to positive attitudes, and positive results. 


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 2 - Early Morning Workout

So I was up super early today - have to get to work by 7, so I planned to do my workout in the evening.... but I know how that goes, IT WON'T.  So I got up and did this little zinger!  Since my MVA I haven't been able to jump rope much so I eliminated that portion...that's ok, my legs and bum were BURNING at the end!  I didn't have time for the chest portion, but did do the abs.

Gotta run!  Click on the video below to enjoy my morning sweatiness with!


Monday 5 March 2012

Cher - Month 2, now the fun begins :)

OK - so in this past month I have been sick twice and completely changed my life (career wise) - I would say that is enough for one month, wouldn't you?

So now is the time to eliminate drama, and kick ass!  Last night was the 1st night that I wasn't all stuffed up and snotty - so today is the 1st day of my next 30 day challenge!

What am I doing for said challenge?  Well I don't have a personal trainer (because I am one), but sometimes you just need to change things up.  I did my fit test on's website.  It was pretty basic but gives me a baseline to see my improvements.  I will do my measurements today too (scary for everyone!).

If you are interested in doing this fit test or following me on my journey, stay tuned here - I will give you assistance along the way.  Note - I am doing a variety of workouts, not just Bodyrock - they are quick and effective (with modifications) so I do like to use them frequently.

Catch y'all soon!

OH AND WE HIT 2000 VIEWS!  Thank you for the support! 

Fit test:


Thursday 1 March 2012

March 1 - The workout journey continues...

Hello followers!

It isn't the end - it never is!  Even if February has come and gone the challenge is the same... eat well, train hard, and see results!

This blog is going to stay open, so expect to see new posts with workouts and challenges for you to enjoy.

What should you do?  Find new and exciting ways to train, and tell us about them!  Email to let us know about what you have noticed in the fitness industry and if it's HOT or NOT!

Summer is coming!  What are you going to do to stay in shape?  Comment below as we love to hear every ones trends and habits!

You will be hearing from us soon!!! 


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Steph - Day 28 - Slacker

Today at the gym I realized exactly how much I've been slacking off the last couple of weeks. I just haven't had any motivation or the energy - the energy thing I think is cause I've been feeling depressed. It felt good to be back though...but man do I hate lunges. hahaha!

I'd really like to just not work anymore. You know? Just stay at home...being a mom, working out, cleaning, cooking, all of that while not worrying about money! I'm so tired of the financial stress. I'm sure everyone is the same, but seriously...somethings got to change. I don't know how much more I can actually take. And it really doesn't help that I'm so bored. I was raised to just keep my head down and work...cause you know...Interior Health offers a good pension. Well, frankly, I don't think that in 28 years I'm going to actually see any of that money, and I'm miserable NOW. MISERABLE. I'm sitting here dreading tomorrow. Ugh. I've got to do something different with my life....sooner than later!

Anyway, enough bitching. Time for bed...cause again...I've got to be well rested to behave myself!

Monday 27 February 2012

Steph - Day 27 - Feeling a little angry

So today I discovered that I'm a little angrier than I'd first thought. About work I mean. It was pretty hard for me to be there today. But, I'll have to suck it up and move on cause I have a
I managed to get in a beautiful walk on my lunch break today, but I didn't get to the gym. I've been feeling like my daughter is acting out so much because she needs more of me. It's a struggle to know what is the right thing to do because both me time and Sophie time are equally important. Tonight, after a hellish weekend with her, I decided it best to come home. I made the right decision. I walked in the door and she clung to me until going to bed. It was great...we played some games, watched a little TV, had a nice family supper....I think we all needed a little time together.

Now with Sophie tucked into her little bed and my husband watching the car race, I'd better go do a little reading then get to bed. If I'm going to behave and keep my mouth shut at work tomorrow, I'd better be well rested!


Sunday 26 February 2012

Steph - Day 26 - Much better day

Today turned out to be such a beautiful day. So sunny! The archery shoot was awesome! Got my best score yet...344 out of a possible 400 points! Six of us shooting in our group and I won..but quite a bit! LOL! I love healthy competition! (And..I beat my husband...which NEVER happens!)

I was a little sore this moring after my workout yesterday, which surprised me a little cause I didn't think I had a good workout. Well, the shooting course is basically a 3 hour hike, which you walk twice, and yikes, I'm feeling it! I also packed a lunch - a sandwhich (not that great but better then the burgers they sell), carrots, yogurt and an apple - which made the hike actually worth something!

I'm going not to lay on the couch, drink tea, and hopefully relax. Much better day than yesterday, and I'm just hoping that today helped to pull me up out of my funk.

Feel better Cher!

Hope the week is great!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Cher - Day 25 - Fitness & Sickness!

So I am sick again! There are some nasty bugs going around, and I caught it. This puts a damper on the active weekend for sure! Also I have zero appetite. I am hoping tomorrow will be better. On the plus side I was sore for 2 days after Thursdays workout - that did make me feel better!

So with the illness, I only got in 3 workouts this week. My goal is to get at LEAST 3 workouts in next week. Doable? I think so!

Enjoy your Sunday!!!


Steph - Day 25 - Oops!

So...apparently I forgot to blog last night! OOPS! Wow, I totally didn't realize until now! Last thing I remember is my husband waking me up to go to bed.

I'm sure glad this week is over. I have to admit, I got myself into a little bit of a funk over this whole job business. Found out for sure that I don't have enough experience and I'm not going to get it. The worst part is that financially, it would have helped us so much. We are struggling horribly, like many others, and the struggle is becoming unbearable. I let myself get to excited, and worked up...and then the let down hurt...A LOT. But again, it is what it is...and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and turns out exactly as it was meant to.

I finally made it to the gym today, but I didn't have that great of a workout. I have an archery shoot tomorrow to go to, which will mean a full 5 - 6 hours of walking...which I'm really looking forward to! I'm hoping a day in the fresh air with friends will help bring me back to normal.


Thursday 23 February 2012

Steph - Day 23 - Plugging away

The struggle with weight is never ending. I don't know if I'm putting too much thought into it, or if I'm not putting enough into it. Somedays I feel like it's all I think about...and I think that those are the days I eat the worst. The days I don't think about it, I feel guilty and then end up obsessing! hahaha!

The exercise part of healthy living comes easily for me, thank goodness, but this eating nonsense is starting to feel like it's getting the better of me. I feel like it's excuse after excuse. At the end of the day, I have no self control. I WANT to eat well, I enjoy eating well, I like the way I feel when I eat well, I hate the way I feel when I don't eat well, but put something in front of me that I shouldn't eat...yep...I'm gunna eat it. And then, on top of eating the bad stuff, I feel so guilty about it, I eat the good stuff too! Even though I'm not hungry.

And lately, I feel like my desire to be thin is overtaking my desire to be healthy. And yes I want both, but I don't want one without the other. I wish that both would just be handed to me sometimes! But hard work pays off and feels so good. I'll keep plugging away and every time I fall off the wagon, I'll hop back on and start all over again.....


Cher - Day 23 - Sweat Everywhere!

Holy Crap!  This workout kicked my A**!

I did modify a few things:

  1. My wrists started to kill by the 3rd round - so for the plank walk + knee repeaters I took out the walk and added push up bars to ease off on my wrists a bit.  I did extra core at the end to make up for it.
  2. I haven't been doing THIS many pushups in my workouts, so full pushups didn't last with good form.  I switched to good old girlie pushups but did the rest of the exercises (ie. tuck jumps)
  3. Since my wrists were pooched, for the second half I switched from triceps using wrists (I don't have the dip station) to skull crushers on the mat with dumbells.

Remember guys, there are modifications for almost EVERYTHING!  I have tons of issues with wrists, neck (MVA), knees etc.  but I still did it, and I still sweat a TON!

I did this in just under 20 minutes.  I will do it again next week sometime and see if I can beat my time.  Consistency is KEY!

Have an awesome Thursday - the weekend is almost here!



Wednesday 22 February 2012

Steph - Day 22 - I Passed!!!

Today was definately a better day! I had to stop this afternoon and really listen to what my body was telling me though. I slept last night, THANK GOD, but had a rough time getting up today. I made it to work and couldn't wait to go for a walk in the sunshine. I thought for sure that that would make me feel better. But when I got back, I got dizzy and I was totally out of breath. I think that my body was telling me that I need to just rest for another day. So, I listened and didn't go to the gym. I believe it was the right decision, but I'm missing "the burn" I'd be feeling right now if I'd have gone!

This road that I've been on the last few weeks, has actually made me realize a few things about myself. I do too much, I push myself too hard sometimes, I talk when I shouldn't, I put way too much effort into some things and way to little into other things, I don't give myself enough credit, and mostly...I need to deal with stress better! And if that's what this "adventure" was all about, well, GOOD.

I've really got to change a few things. I'm stressed, not sleeping enough and not eating well enough, and all three of those are a deadly combination. I'm going to try to settle down and not take on as much responsibility, sleep better (although that's super tough with a little one...cause let's face's are WAY better than dad's when you aren't feeling well) and concentrate on feeding my body better. All good changes to make!

So really, when I look at how I'm feeling today, and what I've realized about myself, this whole job thing has been a test...and I passed! :) And I still don't know for sure if I'm going to be disqualified, but it will be what it will be. And quite honestly, I'm comfortable with whatever happens. I know that one day I will advance, and when that day comes, all of struggles I've overcome, will make it that much sweeter!

Thanks for your encouraging words Cher! xoxo

Good night

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Steph - Day 21 - :(

What a day. Where to start...well...I didn't get to sleep until after 4 this morning. I was up all night with Sophie as she was coughing like crazy. I decide that I'd better suck it up and get to work because of the looming job interview. By the time I get there, I'm feeling nauseous and on the verge of tears. No sooner do I sit at my desk, I get called into the boss' office. "Oh shit" I gut tightens cause I know there must be something wrong with the new job. Sure enough, she thinks that I'm not actually elegible because I don't have 2 years experince, which you have to have or have the appropriate courses...which I don't have. I'm at 17 months. So, what do I do? I have a meltdown in her office. Nice.

Luckily, I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be. It's not over, she wasn't totally sure, but I have a feeling that is not going to happen. I was so exhausted that I just couldn't keep it together. So long story short...that was the end of my day. I came home, cried and cried and cried....watched Grey's and Private Practice, cried some more, cause OMG Private Practice is a real tear jerker lately, then had a nap. I ate like crap, didn't exercise, and despite a pounding headache, I feel much better.

Now tomorrow morning, I'll get up (hopefully I get to sleep) and be okay. That's one thing about me...I bounce back quickly. The opportunity will come up again, and I'll try again, but in the end...everything happens for a reason. And, if she doesn't follow the rules, I could get the job but then someone gets upset and files a grievance, and I get bumped out of it. So really, if it's not my time...I just have to accept that. Will know for sure tomorrow.

Now to bed...please let my kid sleep....PPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!

Monday 20 February 2012

Steph - Day 20 - Great Run day!

I had an awesome run tonight, and a great walk in the sunshine this afternoon. Did some more interval's really great. By the 20 minute mark it's really hard to keep going. I did 1 min of running at 7.0 and then 2 mins of walking at 4.0. I'd really like to get to the point where I'm jogging on the down 2 minute intervals.

My interview was again cancelled, and no way of knowing when it will happen. Then, just when I think I can't handle any more stress, I come home to a grumpy husband, who, when he's grumpy...he's really grumpy. I've really just had enough of the day to day BS and am having a hard time finding anything postitive to say.

Despite an awesome run, I'm still feeling stressed and the end of my rope. I can only imagine how I'd feel if I didn't exercise...that's a scary thought! I ate well today also. And I'm definately noticing that my clothes are fitting differently. Thank goodness! It's about time!!!! At least that is a little motivation for me.

Hopefully a good night's sleep and I'll feel husband too! lol!


Cher - Day 20 - NTC App Review!

Hello Followers -

Well this morning I completed a 15 minute workout on my NTC app for my IPhone.  This 15 min does not include warm up or cool down, and was wicked for fitting something in when you think you cannot.

I did Jodie Williams Fast Track Workout.  It incorporated Core, legs & Abs.  You could add on if you wanted more upper involved.

What I like about the NTC App:

  • It shows you each move step by step in either photos or video.
  • It cues you when to switch to the next exercise and when to switch sides
  • It allows you to play your own music
  • There is such a huge variety of workouts, for every level
  • Lastly, you can unlock workouts to more you train, it's not the same thing all the time!

What I dislike about the App:

  • They do not give you any transition time from exercise to exercise  -  what is means is I did 30 seconds of side plank then by the time I switch to the other side I only get 20 seconds.  I now switch a little early but wish I didn't have to think ahead like that!

So all in all - this is a GREAT app! I got mine for free, but I am not sure if everyone is still getting that awesome deal.  Even if they asked for $4.99, I would buy it.

Have a great Monday!  It's a new week, and a new you is coming out to play!

Yours in health,


Sunday 19 February 2012

Steph - Day 19 - Awesome workout

Proud to report that today was a much better day! :) My workout was awesome! Combining the cardio with the strength training is really a great thing. Bench step ups right after lunges equals shakey legs! I think I may have noticed my clothes fitting slightly looser today.....

I don't know if I've told you this yet, but my passion in life is fitness and health. It is where I eventually want to end up career wise. I want to help people reach their goals, and overcome whatever is standing in their way of being fit and healthy.

I've been thinking a lot this weekend, and I think that I've decided that regardless of how the job thing goes, I'm not going to wait for Sophie to be in school...I'm going to make small steps to reaching that goal. Which also means, that I've got to get super serious about my own fitness goals...and overcoming my own obstacles. It will be the first step.

Tomorrow is the start of a week that will either turn out great, or not so great. I'm nervous, stressed, scared...and SO ready for this to be ride to be over.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Steph - Day 18 - Skating day

Today turned out to be a complete write off. No exercise and didn't eat well at all. I feel like crap. I was up last night, not for as long as the night before, but when you're as tired as I was, it sucked.
We got up this morning and took Sophie skating for the first time. She loved it and it was so much fun. I had hoped to at least get to do a few laps alone and work up a sweat, but it didn't happen. It was a great time though, and she's signed up for skating lessons next month! So hopefully we'll be skating way more!
You know, the stress is insane right now. And at a time when I should be going to the gym more, I just don't want to. Which is unusual for me....I love going so much. And I'm sure that it's the reason I'm eating so poorly. Between the stress and the lack of sleep...I'm doomed! I just wish this job stress would get sorted out. But....then...if I DON'T get the job...I'm going to be starting all over again! There is a lot on the line for me with this situation, and I'm just plain scared. ARGH!
I'm going to hit the gym pretty hard tomorrow and try to make up for today. I feel so determined in my head...and in my heart...and I did so well during the week...stupid valentine's day chocolate. hehe! Tomorrow will be a better day, and I have to say...I'm really looking forward to feeling better!


Cher - Day 18 - Bodyrock'n

So today I went back to check out's newest workout.  What is nice is that they offered 3 variations of their workouts today - Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.  I did a little of all 3! :)  Because of my MVA I also added my physio exercises to my intervals - got everything in!

It's true - you don't need their equipment to make it work.  Because I am a trainer it's easy for me to modify using free weights, body weight or bands.  Some people are not sure what to use - Bodyrock is now telling you the various options you have... and it's all free

Check out the workouts I took from today:


And Lastly:

Have a great workout weekend you guys! 

Friday 17 February 2012

Steph - Day 17 - Wet walk

I thankfully managed to get out for my walk this afternoon. I was wet, I got sprayed by a passing car...but still awesome to get out of the office!

I didn't make it to the gym after work today. I was up most of the night with a sick kid. I'm absolutely exhaused. And this evening has been hell. lol! This parenting is hard. Anyone who tells you 2 is awful...hang in til 3. Cause 3 is way worse. I feel lately like all I do is fight with her and it's making me crazy. Even at 2:30 in the morning, there was an argument. And let me tell you, it's hard to keep you cool at that time.

We are getting up in the morning and going skating for the first time tomorrow! She's very excited, as am I. Let just hope that we don't have a major throw down and it gets cancelled though.

Well, I'm going to bed. I too need to get some sleep so I'm able to enjoy my day tomorrow!

Good night!
Happy weekend!

Cher - Day 16/17 - Sweet Hot Yoga

Had an awesome workout yesterday morning doing Hot Yoga at @Mokshayogakelowna - 6am - yikes! Felt so nice in the hot room, heat, stretch, shaking muscles.... Sweet hot yoga :)  I went home and had a cider in the evening - I felt like I deserved it, however feel a bit bad that I did it now.  From a caloric standpoint, I barely had dinner so the calories aren't the issue, it's the empty calories and high sugar content that are the issue.  Bad Cher - do better on Day 17.

So what is the plan for day 17? I have a super packed day today.  If the weather is good I am going to try to get a walk in at lunch like Steph does every (almost!) day.  Sounds like a good idea.  Other than that I don't know if I will get any training in *sad face*.  But I have a stellar plan to train Saturday.  That will be 4 days this week, so it isn't my best performance, but not below the smack me upside the head line. *happy face*

My big thing I think is my long days.  Not that it's the work that is tough, it is the last 2 hours (4:30-6:30pm) that I struggle, then when I get home I am bagged!  I don't know how nurses do it - I could never be a nurse, or long haul truck driver - I admit I am a woosie.

On that note! Have a great Thursday and we will catch up with you before the weekend!  Eat clean and stay active!


Thursday 16 February 2012

Steph - Day 16 - Hungry

Have I told you how much I hate the snow? Cause I really REALLY hate the snow. I don't mind if it's in the mountains...but around here it just is a pain in the butt! I couldn't go for a walk on my break today, and I really miss is. I went to the gym after work though, and had a great workout...almost another barf workout. Doing cardio inbetween sets really makes it tough!

Then I came home, and I was hungry. I'm definately not eating enough for lunch. I've been having an apple in the afternoon, but it just isn't enough. So basically what happened tonight, is I was so hungry, I over ate. I'm going to have to fix this, cause it's not working. I'm not a leftover fan. Micorwaved meat is icky. So rather than skip lunch, which I used to do, I've been having a meal replacement shake and some raw veggies. I'm good til about 2, but after that, I can't get enough food in me.

I don't really know what to do for lunch though. Sandwhiches aren't the healthiest option, leftovers are just out. I'll occasionally do a spinach salad with chicken or eggs, but lately I just can't stomach the meat and eggs. I'm really at a loss....

And I didn't hear when my interview will be yet...and I won't hear tomorrow as my boss is on vacation...this is KILLING me! I wish they'd just give me the job! If only it worked like that.....

Night...and Happy Friday tomorrow!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Steph - Day 15 - HIIT

Well today....was good. I ran...I ran til I almost barfed! I got in my walk at lunch, which was so great in the beautiful sun! Then to the gym for a nice de-day run. I decided that I was going to do a HIIT run....OMG....I can't believe how hard that is! I did 1 min of sprinting at 6.9mph and then 2 of walking at 4.0mph. And by the 20 min mark, I almost had to stop. But I pushed through and got the full 3o mins a 7 minute cool down.

And....proud to 3 on the food wagon...GREAT! I'm pretty hungry right now, but I'm sure it's not "real"'s habit hunger. I'm feeling quite strong and healthy the last few days which is giving me the motivation to not cheat. And frankly, after my run today, once I make it to the couch, (SURVIVOR STARTS TONIGHT!!!!), I'm not sure that I'll be able to get up to get a snack! LOL! I'm hurting. hehe


Cher - Day 15 - Half way!

I must say that these past 2 weeks have gotten me back into the swing of things.  It hasn't been perfect, but I feel as though I am on my way.  I am training between 4-5 days per week and starting to feel better for it.  Today though I am going to take it easy.  I have cramps still and feel like I am the size of a house.  Also I am quite sore from yesterday :)  Because of my lack of training today, guess what? I have to make it up later in the week.... no excuses.

Food - I did awesome last night!  We had roast beef - I had NO POTATOES!  Instead 3/4 of my plate was filled with veggies!  Woop Woop!  I am so proud of myself.  It used to be common to see potatoes and gravy on my plate - Not this time!  These small changes can amount to big calorie cuts in your diet.  The potatoes themselves are not the enemy - it's the butter, milk and gravy that are on them that makes me grow bigger just looking at them.

Happy hump day everyone - Keep making those positive choices - in food, training, and in LIFE!


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Steph - Day 14 - Better

Today was far more sucessful than the last 3! I walked at lunch, and then hit the gym (where I proceeded to PAY for the last 3 days) and got in just about an hour there! And I feel MUCH better! Thanks for the kick in the pants this morning Cher!

I also had some good news on the job front. I passed the test and am waiting for an interview. It was supposed to be on Friday, but she called me and she isn't going to be in that day, so it will be early next week. Which is actually probably a good thing! I'll have more time to prepare. This has been a long road for me...and I've learned a little bit about myself along the way. I am much smarter than I give myself credit for, and I have to learn to deal with stress better!

Daugher in bed, tea steeping, fire crackling...mmmm it's time to relax!


Cher - Day 14 - Valentines Day Workout - Not feeling the love

WOW - does it ever suck to work out with PMS, Bloating & Cramps - Oh my word!  I feel like a sack of donkey dung, but I did it anyways.  Mind you, my intervals went a little slower this morning, I took frequent breaks and I swore a lot.  I got through it - no excuses.  I will however pass on hot yoga tomorrow morning.  The thought of being cooped up in a hot room feeling like this makes me want to bring up my breakfast.  I think I will sit on the bike tomorrow and save my husband the clean up.

Otherwise, today is Valentines Day!  One of my favorite 'holidays'.  I don't care if some card company created it - it is just awesome to feel loved.  For all of the single people out there - do not fret - someone out there wants to give you a Valentine but doesn't have the guts to do it.  There is hope, I swear!

Here's to having a healthy meal tonight - we are having roast beef - so I am having yams, and my sweetie is having spuds.  We are having a little wine tonight for the special day, but we are not having multiple bottles - bully for us. :)

Enjoy this special day - either with your loved one, or alone on the couch with PS I Love You (one of my favs).



Monday 13 February 2012

Steph - Day 13 - Enough

I'm afraid the last 3 days haven't been all that successful for me. I managed to get a walk in on my lunch break, but I didn't go to the gym. I just didn't want to. On the bright side...I ate quite well. I had a couple of treats for Valentine's day....but didn't completely fall off.
I'm afraid this is it...I had some computer problem and it didn't save what I wrote and I can't remember. I do know that it wasn't very positive!

Cher - Day 13 - Ouch my aching head

Well this sucks.  All weekend I have had a killer headache.  I didn't do normal training - my hubby and I walked the greenway and that's all.  Bites the big one.  On the bright side (aside from Friday night) I have been eating ok.  Good portion control - Yipee!

I made this minestrone soup for dinner last night - it was awesome!  Veggies, meat, and not too much salt.  I let my husband add his own salt since he likes it so much.  We started making soups this winter and we love it.  here is the link for where we get our soup mixes from :

This morning I woke up with a corker of a headache again - think it is MVA related, so I am going to go to physio to get it worked on.  Hopefully I can train tomorrow.  Nothing worse than trying to train with a headache - yuck.

Have a great week!!!


Sunday 12 February 2012

Steph - Day 12 - Wagon Ready

Well, I wrote my test. I felt so much better after doing so. I was so stressed out that I was just about 2 weeks late getting my hour after test's here! lol! I really need some stress management! Imagine if I hadn't have been working out how stessed I'd be? That's a scary thought!

I unfortunately didn't get any exercise in today. :( I really don't have an excuse. I didn't feel like doing I didn't. I'm actually okay with it too. I've really been pushing hard for the last little while, which is awesome, but sometimes you need to chill out too. But here it that I've got the test out of the way, the biggest reason for being so stressed (and I think for eating like I had a worm), tomorrow is a new day, and I'm on the wagon. The eating wagon.

I'm actually feeling quite excited and positive about it. I haven't felt "ready" for quite a while..I do now. I'm wagon ready! Lets see how tomorrow goes...I might be grumpy! hahaha


Saturday 11 February 2012

Steph - Day 11 - Missing my dolly!

Well, I guess I've officially not met my goal. Sadly, all I managed to get in was my time at the energyplex. I just didn't have the energy or time today...and I actaully don't feel all that guilty!

I have a big day tomorrow...I've got to write the test for the job I've applied for. I'm scared. It's consuming me actually. I'm hoping that after this is all over, no matter how it turns out, I just get back to normal...less stressed. I really think it's why I'm eating like crazy. I'm freaking stressed out - more than I even know. All I wanted to do today was sleep...soooooo not me.

My daugher is at her Nana's house for a sleep'd think I'd be enjoying my time...nope....not at all actually. Just spent some time in her room smelling her pillow! I'm so emotional lately and I'm not sure if it's still my body adjusting to no meds, or if it's cause I'm so nervous about the whole job thing. Either way...I'm hoping after I've taken the'll be better.

I'm heading to my parents' early...about 9. I'm going to write the test then head to the gym on my way home...a little destress workout! Then, Sophie and I are going to spend the day doing her Valentine's cards and baking treats for her party on Monday. I'm really hoping that I've prepared enough for this hard to do when you have zero idea what will be on the test. But tomorrow I'm going to do all I can to focus on'll be an awesome afternoon together!

Hope Sunday is great for everyone!

Friday 10 February 2012

Steph - Day 10 - Tough work out day

50 minutes today! 50 very tough minutes! I worked out with Gord today....holy crap. I left the gym feeling like I was going to barf. Not that I actually mind actually makes me pretty happy! I know...I'm odd!

I turned 34 today, and took the day off for myself. It was nice. I cleaned the house, got my ass kicked at the gym, and make my family supper. Busy day, but a good day. And I did really well with intake...until Don came home with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. It really was worth it!

I'm looking forward to getting up in the moring for a run. I don't have to get up super early, so it'll be much easier to go. Then off to the energyplex....that's a workout too!


Cher - Day 9/10 - Weekend Workouts!

So pleased that the workweek is over! Now onto the fitness for the weekend.. Woop Woop! Noticed that I didn't eat much in the way of fruits and veggies these past 2 days... Yikes! Committed to having a salad type meal for dinner tonight!
Training- I had a pretty good week - 4 days out of 5 - I am pleased with that. Still will get one session in this weekend - and it's way easier now that I am back at it!

Congrats to all of us for sticking it out this long - Shay your Internet is lame!! And you are forgiven for lack of posting.

Have a great weekend!!


Thursday 9 February 2012

Steph - Day 9 - EEK!!!

Not so proud to report....just 35 mins today...only my walk at lunch. My body felt like it needed a break I gave it one. Sometimes you just have to listen.
I started my day stressed out for some reason. This job thing is weighing on me more than I'd like to admit. I work for Interior Health, so there's a's long...and if you really want the's STRESSFUL!!! But, today, I got my invite to take the test...and basically what that means, is that once I've taken that...I've only got 1 step left....interview. EEK. I'm not so great with tests and interviews. I'm totally trying to stay positive, but it's tough! I'm going to my mom and dad's on Sunday morning to write the test. A house with no distractions!
I also think, yes it's an excuse, that this is why I'm having such a hard time keeping to any sort of eating play right now. I'm so worked up that I am just eating! But what that's actually doing is making me more stressed. I totally feel like I'm spiralling out of control both at work and with my diet. I really need to figure this kind of stuff out - I'm a freak!
Anyway, I'm hoping that a good night's sleep and a butt kicking at the gym tomorrow, and I'll be as good as new. Hopefully with some really sore muscles though!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Shay - Day eight

Today I feel like I've done okay.  Not really well, not really bad, just middle-of-the-road okay.  I skipped breakfast (apparently I'm finding that habit again after years of doing it as a teenager) and had leftovers from yesterday for lunch.  After work I had a snack of some rye crackers with a little cheese and cucumbers.  For dinner I had some pasta with veg that I made a couple nights ago.  Now I'm home from my doggie walk and having tea.  I haven't really done a work out.  But I'm feeling better anyways, somehow.  Maybe it's the no snacking the past couple nights?  I don't feel all bloated and uncomfortable about my stomach like I usually do.

I'm still frustrated by my ankle.  I would like nothing more than to be able to go run hard or be at yoga.  But even the little walks I've been doing at night bring on swelling and pain.  Doing only upper body work outs is kind of boring.  Maybe I need to do some research on some new exercises.  Maybe I need Cher to come kick my butt...  Hopefully I'll find out soon, because I need a little push!

Steph - Day 8 - Food junkie

Today...only 50 mins. I did lunges...gawd I hate lunges...bench step ups, hamstrings, shoulders, abs, back...more abs and bosu knee ups. The time I did fit in was pretty intense and I feel pretty good. I wasn't able to walk at lunch today and wow did I miss it. By the end of the day...I had a hard time focusing, I was extra tired and just plain unmotivated.
As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm thinking about my eating. I think a light just went off! I got home after the gym and I was shaking I was so hungry. I don't think I'm eating often enough. Perhaps a healthy snack between lunch and the gym will help. Orange and yogurt now packed for tomorrow! My friend Shannon, who is a fitness professional, told me, actually reminded me today, that eating is actaully a whopping 80% of successful weight loss. Bingo....that's my problem. I've never been so slack in regards to my intake. I feel the nasty guilt that comes after eating too much, or the wrong thing...or BOTH...but it doesn't seem to stop me these days. I have no idea how get myself back on track with it. Seems like I'm good for a few days, maybe a week, and then I just stop. I'm a food junkie.
Home life much better stress worse! It's me that's stressing me out. I just have to chill and accept that what will be will be. It's I now KNOW that I have some control issues!!
I'm really proud that it's day 8 and I haven't missed a day. And my lunges were much easier today.....I still hate them though! I feel good...and I really hope that I can get on track with intake soon. Any advice out there???? Please?!?!?!

Cher - Day 8 - Morning Yoga is awesome

This morning I got up at the lovely hour of 5 (which last week was the norm for me) and rushed out the door to the 6am Moksha Yoga Class .  The layer of ice on my car would have been an easy excuse for me to just go back inside and curl up in bed....but no - I went - and did I ever enjoy watching Kelowna wake up.  What an awesome experience.  I am going to do this every Wednesday - next week I will put two pairs of undies in my bag.... I ended up with none this morning - Comando Wednesday! 

Enjoy your hump day - stay active and congrats on one wicked week!!

hugs - Cher

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Shay - Day seven

Today we went out for lunch at work and it was a HUGE deal to find a meal that was reasonably caloried.  Caloried's not a word, I know, but go with me here.  Anyways, I feel like I made a decent choice and I didn't eat the whole thing so now I have lunch for tomorrow!

Just went for a quick 20 minute walk with the pups.  I can FINALLY walk normally (with no limping!) as long as I don't make any sudden side to side movements.  Now I'm going to do some more arms and abs.  Can't wait until I have a chance to do more!  But at least I've been doing what I can, and I've definitely been feeling it in the abs, so that's a plus.

It's about that time of night where I'd normally be looking for a snack.  So, to combat the habit, I've just poured myself a cup of delicious honey lemon ginseng green tea and I'm going to go lie in bed and read, far far away from the kitchen and all thoughts of food.

Steph - Day 7 - A Full Week!

Walk at lunch, run after work....65 minutes!!!! Worked on my abs quite a bit after my run. And lotsa good stretching! Glad I got the run in, because I searched for an excuse.....any excuse..but finally decided that anything is better than not going at all! I'm liking the new attitude I've taken on. I've always enjoyed fitness, but if I didn't feel like running, I just wouldn't go. I figured that walking or biking just wasn't enough. But now, I'm just doing anything...if I don't feel like running, I'll walk fast with an incline, or bike...or just go outside for a walk. And a full week of fitting in some sort of exercise! I feel really proud of myself for that!

I'm struggling with a lot of feelings today. I've applied for a new job, and I'm nervous. Will need to write a test. And for me, even if I know the stuff really well, I just clam up and forget everything. I'm trying some serious positive self talk, but I'm freaking out. Then on top of all of that, I'm extra hormonal the last couple of days. This is nothing new, but seems worse this week. And to top everything off.....I started my day throwing up! And no, I'm not pregnant...I'm sure it's all stress related. Ugh.

On a better daugher was a pleasure tonight! Well...mostly! I went and bought her new toothpaste, and let her do her teeth all by her self. I realized that I may have a bit of a control issue...... It always starts as soon as it's time to brush her teeth. Today, she looked at me and said: "mom...I feel like a baby when you brush my teeth". Oh. But Sophie, I'm not actually ready to let you do so much by yourself! hahahaha SHEESH...wait til kindergarten starts. OMG...that made my stomach flip.


Shay - Day five and six

Due to internet-related issues at the place I'm house-sitting, I've been unable to post the last couple days.

To sum them up: I don't care about football, but I still drank a couple beer and had some terribly awful party food.  In preparation, I worked out in the afternoon and ate sparingly before arriving.  Monday, having forgot my weights at home, I did lots of push ups, tricep dips and ab work and ate salad for lunch and some pasta with lots of veg and homemade tomato sauce for dinner.

REALLY trying to curb the night time snacking needs to be one of my new goals.  If you live alone, or spend your nights alone, it makes it that much easier to snack without thinking about it.  The dog's not gonna reproach me for having one too many crackers and cheese.

Going out for lunch today to celebrate the retirement of a colleague, so I had a tiny breakfast and have been looking at the menu and nutritional information of the restaurant online to try and make an informed decision on what to eat, instead of just going for whatever "seems" healthy.  Having looked through the menu, I've come to the conclusion that there really isn't anything under around 800-900 calories, so I'll just have to pick the lesser of the evils and not eat the whole thing.  Should be easy, judging by the size of most entrees nowadays.

Feeling a little bit better about my chances of actually affecting change in my lifestyle, even if it's just to make me more aware of what and how much I'm eating or to remind me that, even if it's only 20 minutes of exercise, it's better than nothing!

Cher - Day 7 - Push up Workout!

It's not entirely a push up workout - but it sure felt like it!  You know when you haven't done push ups in forever, then you go to do them and it's like lifting a 200lb cinder block?  That's how I felt last week.  This week they were not as bad, but I did a lot of them!

Did one of Zuzana's ZWOW's again - check it out and let me know what you think of it!  I added Biceps as I wanted to get those into this workout today.

So we are going out for lunch today  -  I will report back the healthy choices I made.  This is a tough thing eating out, and eating right.  One of my tricks is to order an extra side of veggies with my meal -
Any tricks you can share about eating well while eating out?

Have a happy and healthy day bloggers & followers!


Monday 6 February 2012

Cher - Day 6 - On track!!!

What an awesome day!!! I did skipping intervals and core today for my workout - my butt is still killing me from Saturday! I am loving it though!

Food was great today. I was in a pinch for a snack at 5 before my last client - so I picked up a Bolthouse Green juice - it gave me 3.5 servings of veggies and filled me up until dinner. WAY better than grabbing fast food!!

Way to go Shay & Steph! I know it isn't easy! Being accountable is good for us, keeps us closer to our goals!


Steph - Day 6 - A Great Day!

Proud to report...I'm feeling WAY better and that I got 90 mins in today! 60 of those minutes were hard minutes...the best kind! And, I left the gym and I haven't felt that good in a couple of was awesome!

My daugher is 3 1/2. A good, smart kid. But of course, with kids her age...there are challenges. I've been making a lot of changes within myself, trying to find ways of dealing with her, without yelling and letting her see how frustrated I am. Well, I come in the door tonight...and it's happy. I breathe a sigh of relief, as this hasn't been the norm lately. She helps with supper, she's chatty, sweet, basically...herself. Instead of a bath, she hops in the shower with my husband, where I can hear them doing some math and her just having a great time. They are done, so I go get her with a warm towel, and it starts. Attitude. I can't believe it. And of course, I instantly start thinking...what the hell is wrong with me? It quickly escalates into an all out brawl as I try to start brushing her teeth. And now...I'm angry, but most of all, I'm sad.

People always say to me...don't worry...girls are like that with their moms. Or...she's just strong'll pass. And of course....when she hurts herself, it has to be mom. If she's up in the night...has to be mom. She's really quite a mammas I just don't get it. Now she's in asleep, and of course has forgotten all about, yet here I sit....SAD. :( It's such a hard thing...I just want to do right by her....she's really a great kid. I know it's a phase and it will pass...but it's tough. Very tough.

Despite all of that, today was a really great day. Eating....well, yeah....not so much. I'm craving carbs more than ever. Which I think means I'm not getting enough. It seems I'll eat well for 3 or 4 days, then start craving things like bread, crackers...stuff like that...then eat and eat and eat... Who least my exercise is on track. I know it's not enough, but I'm not going to beat myself up like I always do. I will get there.......

Sunday 5 February 2012

Cher - Day 5 - housework IS exercise!

Lol - today was SO sore from my lunge kicks of yesterday. Inner thighs, butt, hamstrings - you name it. But that didn't stop me from cleaning, doing laundry and enjoying time with my hubby. Tomorrow morning I get to train - so excited to train at the beginning of the day. I have my workouts for the week planned and booked - and they will get done! Stay tuned for what I end up doing - might be a doozy!

Have a great evening everyone - stay healthy!!


Steph - Day 5 - Wishing for Sleep

Well, I managed to get in 40 mins today. Just a walk, but that was my least 30 mins a day...and so far...DONE!
I almost didn't go, but I thought..."ugh...I have to blog tonight...and then tell everyone reading that I was too lazy to go...just GO!" lol! So thank you again Cher! :)

I'm grumpy and tired...this whole getting up at night with my's kinda getting old. And of's on me. My husband doesn't even wake up...which really makes me angry at 3 in the morning. Makes me want to keep a glass of ice water beside the bed!

Now my computer is acting up. So before I start jumping up and down on top of it.....


Saturday 4 February 2012

Shay - Day four

Today I mostly behaved.  Went for breakfast a friend's.  Only had one piece of bacon!  But the scrambled eggs had cheese on them....  Oh well, had a tiny lunch later in the afternoon and then went bowling.  Shared a Mediterranean pizza with my step brother but it was way too greasy, so only had one piece.

Haven't had time to work out today.  And partially didn't want to.  The old sprained ankle is really painful today so I spent as much time as I could with it propped up and iced.  Can't wait for this to be healed, but it's starting to feel like it's going to take longer than I had originally hoped.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get in a better upper/core workout and go to a Super Bowl/going away party without falling victim to all the delicious snack foods.

Bleh, it's only day 4 and I've pretty much fallen off the wagon.  Better get back on tomorrow and keep trying, got almost a whole month to go till the end and if I can turn it around here quick we can just pretend this never happened.  Fingers crossed!

Steph - Day 4 - Taking Some Me Time

My day started super daughter decided it was "wake up time" and I so wasn't ready! We were at the park by 9...and by lunch time...I really was NOT into a workout. But....I'm proud to report that I made myself go and got 80 mins of hard work in! YAY!

I'm feeling better today...still a bitt of a cough, but better. I'm really proud of myself because I went to the gym. No excuses anymore. I'm tired of being fat. My daugher is 3 1/2 and I feel like I've really been using my busy life as an excuse for the last 3 years! I just can't do it any longer. Sometimes I feel guilty for taking so much time for myself, but at the end of the day, it makes me happier and more confident which makes me a better mom and wife.

Tomorrow is a cardio day, and it's going be a little hard to fit it in as we have a lot planned. But there is an hour of down time and I'm going. I've told my husband that if anything comes up, it's going to have to wait. It's all I have and I'm taking the hour for myself.

As for my's actually not going that badly. I've always found that as I get into exercising more, my eating habits just naturally improve. I did have a treat for desert tonight, but I had half the amount I would normally have...which to me is progress. So, all in all, it's been a great day. I'm feeling like I probably won't be up much past 9, but I'm okay with that! I have no regrets or guilt tonight about the day...I like that feeling. :)

Thanks again Cher for this...I really find it so helpful and enjoyable! Oh...and the video you posted...holy smokes! THAT'S a workout! And...I'd also like to have a body like hers! LOL!!!!

Goodnight and Happy Sunday!

Day 3/4 - New Workout to check out!

Hey Guys & Gals!

It's Saturday!  Yesterday was my active rest day, so today was workout day - and you have a new workout to check out!

I always like trying different workouts - some are good, and some not so much (lol). But I have to say that this little gem had my mouth salivating like I might puke a little (what an awesome feeling...I mean it).  When I train that hard I feel wicked.  The movement that kicked my butt - the lunge kicks.  I haven't done any sort of jumping lunge in a couple of weeks - so 20 of these babies X 3 sets... OMG!  I modified some things - I pulled my calf the other day so I was kind to it - and my neck is causing me a little grief.  I didn't give up!  I modified where I needed to, and still sweat.  It only took 20 minutes, and today that was perfect.  Making breaky for my husband, then heading into work for a bit.

20 minutes isn't long - DO IT!  It's called the bikini challenge - which is fitting since that is my goal!  Wear a bikini this summer!

Enjoy guys!  Remember modifications - and drink tons of water!

Happy Weekend!


Shay - Day three

So here's what I've learned about myself in the past three days: I'm a terrible blogger.  And I like to drink when I'm single.  Oh sure, I'm well behaved and watching what I eat during daylight hours.  But those long nights stretching out before me need to be filled with something and, for now, that might as well be intoxication.  It may not be glamorous, but it fills the time.

So today I had a couple beer after work, came home and hung out with the dog, ate some dinner and fell asleep watching Big Bang Theory.  Woke up late after remembering I had somewhere to be, got there 10 minutes late, and then made my way to the pub.  The rest, as they say, is history.  History, and pizza.  Only half a slice!

Do I get points for being home before 2?  I certainly hope so.

Tomorrow: hopefully back on track.  Going to a friend's for breakfast and then getting in some OT at work.  Then hopefully the dog park and a workout.  Let's see what the day brings!

Friday 3 February 2012

Steph - Day 3 - Still on Track!

I'm proud to report that today I managed to get in 75 minutes of exercise. I walked on my lunch break, and then came home and ran!!! I almost didn't, but then I thought about how awesome I'd feel...and I went...and loved it!

Now, not only am I sick...but so is my husband. So last night we were both up almost all night. I'm actually starting to feel better today, FINALLY, but boy am I tired. I'm proud of the fact that I pushed aside all of the possible reasons NOT to run...and just went. I told myself that even if I didn't have enough energy to run...I could still walk. And I did 5K in 36 mins. Not great...but still 5K!!!

I'm making this short tonight, as I'm sure I'll start rambling...I'm heading to bed super early so that tomorrow I feel good, rested and ready to train!


Thursday 2 February 2012

Shay - Day two

I'm writing this from bed.  Just got home from a long ass movie, closed my eyes and remembered that I signed up for this thing voluntarily and it's only day two, so better get my arse in gear.  Best wait till later in the month to shirk my duties.

Today was better than yesterday.  I finally got in a mini upper body work out.  Only about 20 minutes, but I feel good about it.  Can't wait for this ankle to heal so I can get into some cardio.  I'm itching to go for a run or even do some lunges or squats, jump some rope, anything really.  Hoping to get back into yoga next week if I can start putting some pressure on it.

Ate pretty well today, found some split pea, red lentil and ham soup I made a while back in the freezer.  Managed to resist eating it without a bun or any other carbs.  More of the same for tomorrow.  Good thing I like soup.  Skipped dinner and had an apple after work so I could eat some popcorn at the movie.  It was some damn good popcorn too.

Feel like I'm already learning to be more honest with myself.  More accountable for my choices or lack thereof...  And now, to sweet, sweet slumber.

Steph - Day 2 - Much better day!

Despite still feeling like crap, I managed to drag myself to the gym today after work as well as walking on my lunch break! Total of 90 mins of exercise today! YAY!

I've recently started working with a personal trainer at my gym. He set up my program, went through it with me, and at the end, I asked...what am I supposed to do for cardio? I LOVE cardio...I truly do. He tells me he wants me to do the workout we've just done a minimum of 3 times a week and on those days...cardio ONLY if I have enough energy after I'm done. And the other days will be my cardio days. WHAT?!?!?! Really? I've heard this from a few other people, but I really have a hard time believeing this will be effective......... So, today, I figure I'm still a little under the weather, so I'll do this "easy" strength training portion of my new program..and try to fit a good walk on the treadmill in after. Holy smokes was I wrong! Easy? HA! Nope....not at all! Granted, I'm doing step ups on a bench, some knee up lunge things, and more bench step ups, in between sets of weights, which really got my heartrate up...but I did NOT expect to feel like I did! I got on the treadmill following the workout....and the 10 mins I had to spare was MORE than enough! I've been running then strength training...almost a 2 hour workout...and I haven't left the gym as fatigued as I was today! It was a great feeling! Now...if only the inches and pounds will come off...

I'm glad that I forced myself to go....always feel better after a good workout! Eating was much better today all around a good day! :)


Cher Day 2 - App Review - Nike Boom

Hello Bloggers & Followers!

Needless to say this morning I feel pretty good - soreness in certain areas, but nothing to complain too much about.  Today I get home and am going to do a workout before going to the movies - I want popcorn so bad - no butter?  I will have to see if Myfitnesspal will let me have it!

Have an awesome day - and stay the course - Woohoo Day 2!

So I recently tried a new app I wanted to tell you about. 

Nike Boom (by Nike Inc) is a workout app which encompases a Gymboss timer, coach, cheer team, and hot athletes into one.  I am guessing that they have designed this for men.... but that doesn't mean women can't use it!  Here are the options you get:

1. Workout - it will time a workout for you, cheer you on when you like (this is where the hot male athletes come in), and post your results to Facebook or Twitter (or both)

2.  Intervals - it will time an interval workout for you - whatever interval you set.  You are cued to your next interval with a ref wistle.

3. Get Sparq Rated - unless you are into sports I don't think you will get this, and I don't have time to look into it :P

4. Gear Up - gives you all of the lates Nike Gear info.  I totally want the Nike+ Fuelband !

My Review:

I prefer the Nike Training Club (NTC) App.  It gives me a workout to follow (there are cons to it too which I will share next week).  Nike Boom is simple and quick to get you going.  Trouble is that you have to design your own workouts.  I wouldn't use this running because I prefer my Nike + GPS.  I would use Nike Boom for my at home workouts where I know what I want to do and for how long.  Essentially it is an alternative for when I can't find my GymBoss.


Wednesday 1 February 2012

Shay - Day uno - Yikes

So today was kind of a bust...  I woke up and got ready for work, as per usual.  Ran out of the house without eating breakfast (strike number one!) and made it there 5 minutes late.  Oh well, figured I'd make up for it during the day.  Made some tea (no sugar, no milk - luckily I like it that way to begin with) and ate my yogurt and got to work.  11:30 rolls around, I'm starving.  Made some more tea to tide me over.  Thank Buddha, lunch time arrives!  Pull out last night's leftovers, tomato/cheese ravioli with rose sauce, prawns and broccoli, and dig in... possibly with a little too much gusto because 15 minutes later I got the mother of all stomach aches that lasted for over an hour (strike two!).

3 o'clock rolls around and my boss asks me to go for a drink.  There's been a lot of change in my life in the past month:  the end of a long term relationship, moving, giving notice at my job to move to Calgary, etc.  So, we meet at a neighbourhood chain restaurant and I order my usual, a whiskey ginger.  My fourth one in, still with no food, I realize tonight be a bit of a write off (strike three!).

So here I am now, writing this in the kitchen, waiting for my dinner to cook.  Lucky for me, around Christmas time, my Mom and I made a bunch of mini tourtieres.  Maybe it's not health food, but it'll fill me up, and it's homemade to boot, so that has to count for something... right?  It's not perfect, but it'll do, is my frame of mind right now.  Plus, while rooting around in the ole deep freeze, I came across some wicked split pea, red lentil and ham soup I made a while back - lunch anyone?

As to why I'm doing this, my goals for this month are difficult to put into words.  I've never really been a long-term-goal, looking-into-the-future kind of person, but here goes nothing!  An easy goal is that I would like to develop better posture. So today, I taped a sign to my monitor saying, "SIT UP STRAIGHT"  Hopefully that reminds me to quit my damn slouching.  A harder goal is that I would like to feel comfortable and proud in my own body again.  I feel like it's been years since I've felt able to wear the clothes I like or feel good about myself naked.  So that definitely involves some weight loss.  But, it also involves some self restraint.  Less chips.  Less hanging out, having a toke and vegging while eating whatever is in reach.  Less self indulgence.  More long walks with my dog.  Having recently sprained ankle might throw a wrench in that, but I'll figure it out.  Should be healed up here soon and then I'd like to get running and biking again.

This first post might seem a little bit rambling and introspective, but isn't that the whole idea of blogging?  It's like one giant, honest conversation with yourself.  Which hopefully ends with me being a hot bitch in a month!

Steph - Day 1 - Lacking self control

Well, here we are....blogging again...and guess what? SICK. Day 1 and I'm sick. Was sick all Christmas, actually for 4 1/2 weeks - bronchitis...and now again. I don't even have words for the frustration that I'm feeling. I decided that tonight, I wasn't going to train...just hopes that I'll wake up tomorrow all better! Fingers crossed!
My goal for this challenge this to excercise every day. Even if it's my walk at lunch....I challenge myself to do a minimum of 3o minutes of exercise every day. Nothing is going to stand in my way. If I have to go later at be it.
I have been struggling with my food choices more than I ever have lately. And quite honestly, I'm angry with myself. Where the hell did my self control go?
I have managed to get off of my antidepressant, Effexor...which was quite a struggle. It hasn't quite been a full month and I'm hoping that my out of control appetite is a side effect of that. But again, typing that feels like just another excuse. I feel so much better since stopping it and I'm hoping that things will settle out and I'll be back to my old self - FULL of self control!
I hope that this blog is as helpful to others as it is to me. Good luck to everyone!
Hugs and Love

Cher - Day 1 - Oh my this is gonna be painful

Hello Bloggers & Followers!

This is Cher's Day 1 -

I have made some changes to my life/career - I am still doing personal training, just on a smaller scale.  I am also working for a construction company doing admin style work.  Now I can have some more time to focus on ME!  Starting next week I have my mornings free (6am-7:30am) so this is when I am going to train.  Monday - Friday - no excuses.  Even through that schedule starts next week, I had this morning free, so wanted to see where I was at.  Oh My!  This is gonna be painful. 

I have been sick for 2 weeks.  No lie.  I couldn't breathe through my nose, sneezing all the time, it sucked.  Now I am still stuffy, but feel so much better.  I did a quick 20 minute workout - pushups, burpees, rows, curl ups, plank.  Things were SO much harder than they were 2 weeks ago.  I know I have a lot of work to do.  My body feels fatter.  Ewwww.... this needs to stop right here.

So now I will focus on the positive - work, family, and health.  I have all 3, and so workouts will be the icing on the cake.  What am I cutting out for these next 30 days?  Fried foods.  I have a husband who loves to order fried foods, cook fried foods, and eat fried foods.  I have to remember that no matter what - this type of food goes STRAIGHT to my ass, and doesn't fuel me in any way (except to sit on the couch). 

So as you can see, I am in the same boat as a lot of you - this is gonna be painful, but SO worth it!



30 Day Challenge! Tune in to their progress!

Hello Followers!

We are so excited for ROUND 2 of the blogging challenge!  We hope everyone enjoys reading the posts and following the ups and downs of this awesome group.

As usual I will be posting as well, as I too am starting a 30 day challenge!  Here you will read about their food woes, workouts, soreness, highs and lows of changing their lifestyles.

Support our team by posting comments, suggestions, and advice - we welcome your words of wisdom - we all have some!

Enjoy the next 30 days, take and give some inspiration!



Friday 27 January 2012

Get back at it! Recovering from Illness!

We have all been there.You have sinus pressure, a runny nose, body aches, fever..... and you are not training.  How will you get back into it?  Well it's easy - just do it.  I have been off for the past 4 days with the sickness that is going around.  To pick something up off the ground causes my head to pound, how could I train?  I couldn't.  I could go for walks - that is about it.

So when you are ready to get back at it, do you go hard?  Depends on who you are and what you were doing before the illness.  I suggest starting slower, and working your way back to where you were over the course of a week or so.  At least you are back at it.

What if you wait even longer after your illness to get back into it (bad people!).  Well unfortunately it doesn't make it any easier to get back in the saddle the more time off you take.  You are going to have more soreness (usually) and feel it more during your workout if you try to go too hard.  Again, the key here is to get back at it.

In the spirit of fresh new workouts and starting back up after illness/breaks - I would like to direct you to Zuzana Light's ZWOD (Zuzana's Workout of the Day) -

Now please note - she is VERY advanced.  But she has recently taken some time off and is just getting back into it herself (not that you can tell!).  Always remember that there are modifications for everything!!

Modifications Include:
Dive bomber pushups = Push ups or Push ups from the knees
Burpees = step instead of hop
Side Plank with dips = drop to your elbow and do not add dip if it's too much
Single Leg Squat = normal squats!

So there you have it - we have all been in the position of getting back into it - so no excuses!

Remember!  30 Fitness Blog starts next week!!!
For more info Click Here

Have a healthy weekend everyone!


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Quickie Workout! Pass it Along!

Hello followers!

So I had 20 minutes today to do my quickie workout - This past week has been crazy so I needed something good, quick, and with limited equipment to get my morning going - Here it is:

Intervals: 20 Sec Work, 10 Seconds Rest (Tabata Style)
Equipment: Jump Rope, Mat, Gymboss Timer
Time: As many rounds as you have time for!

Station #1: Skipping (Normal)
Station #2: Push Ups
Station #3: Skipping (High Knees!)
Station #4: Quick Lunges
Station #5: Skipping (High Knees!)
Station #6: Rows
Station #7: Skipping (High Knees!)
Station #8: Squat Jumps
Repeat until you are outta time!

I left 3-5 minutes at the end to do some Plank, Side Plank, and Abs

I am doing a hard weights workout tomorrow, so I wanted a quickie workout with cardio, a bit of strength and sweat!

Don't Forget!  The next Blogging challenge starts in 2 WEEKS!  We have at least 5 people on board so far - get ready to read about their progress and help them in their fitness journey!

Have a great day!


Monday 9 January 2012

Next 30 Day Blogging Challenge starts soon!

Hello Everyone!

I am very excited to get started on the next blogging challenge -
Are you in?

If you are unsure, think of it this way -

1.  You can blog from anywhere that you have your smart phone or computer, easy!
2.  It's free, so there is no financial commitment - awesome!
3.  You can provide inspiration and motivation to the readers and bloggers - rewarding!
4.  You will see trends in your activities and leard things about yourself  - educational!
5.  You will see changes in your body - Priceless!

Add a comment if you are interested, or send me an EMAIL and I will get you ready to go - the next blogging challenge starts on

All you need is the desire to succeed and some space in your living room, outdoor area, and/or a gym pass. 

Don't forget that if it has been awhile since you trained, you should see your doctor before beginning intense physical activity - take care of yourself!

Are you ready to embark on this challenge?  See some pants you want to fit into?  Then let me know and I will get you going!



PS.  You do not need to be in Kelowna or the Okanagan to participate - you can be anywhere in the world!