Saturday 4 February 2012

Steph - Day 4 - Taking Some Me Time

My day started super daughter decided it was "wake up time" and I so wasn't ready! We were at the park by 9...and by lunch time...I really was NOT into a workout. But....I'm proud to report that I made myself go and got 80 mins of hard work in! YAY!

I'm feeling better today...still a bitt of a cough, but better. I'm really proud of myself because I went to the gym. No excuses anymore. I'm tired of being fat. My daugher is 3 1/2 and I feel like I've really been using my busy life as an excuse for the last 3 years! I just can't do it any longer. Sometimes I feel guilty for taking so much time for myself, but at the end of the day, it makes me happier and more confident which makes me a better mom and wife.

Tomorrow is a cardio day, and it's going be a little hard to fit it in as we have a lot planned. But there is an hour of down time and I'm going. I've told my husband that if anything comes up, it's going to have to wait. It's all I have and I'm taking the hour for myself.

As for my's actually not going that badly. I've always found that as I get into exercising more, my eating habits just naturally improve. I did have a treat for desert tonight, but I had half the amount I would normally have...which to me is progress. So, all in all, it's been a great day. I'm feeling like I probably won't be up much past 9, but I'm okay with that! I have no regrets or guilt tonight about the day...I like that feeling. :)

Thanks again Cher for this...I really find it so helpful and enjoyable! Oh...and the video you posted...holy smokes! THAT'S a workout! And...I'd also like to have a body like hers! LOL!!!!

Goodnight and Happy Sunday!

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