Saturday 4 February 2012

Shay - Day three

So here's what I've learned about myself in the past three days: I'm a terrible blogger.  And I like to drink when I'm single.  Oh sure, I'm well behaved and watching what I eat during daylight hours.  But those long nights stretching out before me need to be filled with something and, for now, that might as well be intoxication.  It may not be glamorous, but it fills the time.

So today I had a couple beer after work, came home and hung out with the dog, ate some dinner and fell asleep watching Big Bang Theory.  Woke up late after remembering I had somewhere to be, got there 10 minutes late, and then made my way to the pub.  The rest, as they say, is history.  History, and pizza.  Only half a slice!

Do I get points for being home before 2?  I certainly hope so.

Tomorrow: hopefully back on track.  Going to a friend's for breakfast and then getting in some OT at work.  Then hopefully the dog park and a workout.  Let's see what the day brings!

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