Wednesday 1 February 2012

Shay - Day uno - Yikes

So today was kind of a bust...  I woke up and got ready for work, as per usual.  Ran out of the house without eating breakfast (strike number one!) and made it there 5 minutes late.  Oh well, figured I'd make up for it during the day.  Made some tea (no sugar, no milk - luckily I like it that way to begin with) and ate my yogurt and got to work.  11:30 rolls around, I'm starving.  Made some more tea to tide me over.  Thank Buddha, lunch time arrives!  Pull out last night's leftovers, tomato/cheese ravioli with rose sauce, prawns and broccoli, and dig in... possibly with a little too much gusto because 15 minutes later I got the mother of all stomach aches that lasted for over an hour (strike two!).

3 o'clock rolls around and my boss asks me to go for a drink.  There's been a lot of change in my life in the past month:  the end of a long term relationship, moving, giving notice at my job to move to Calgary, etc.  So, we meet at a neighbourhood chain restaurant and I order my usual, a whiskey ginger.  My fourth one in, still with no food, I realize tonight be a bit of a write off (strike three!).

So here I am now, writing this in the kitchen, waiting for my dinner to cook.  Lucky for me, around Christmas time, my Mom and I made a bunch of mini tourtieres.  Maybe it's not health food, but it'll fill me up, and it's homemade to boot, so that has to count for something... right?  It's not perfect, but it'll do, is my frame of mind right now.  Plus, while rooting around in the ole deep freeze, I came across some wicked split pea, red lentil and ham soup I made a while back - lunch anyone?

As to why I'm doing this, my goals for this month are difficult to put into words.  I've never really been a long-term-goal, looking-into-the-future kind of person, but here goes nothing!  An easy goal is that I would like to develop better posture. So today, I taped a sign to my monitor saying, "SIT UP STRAIGHT"  Hopefully that reminds me to quit my damn slouching.  A harder goal is that I would like to feel comfortable and proud in my own body again.  I feel like it's been years since I've felt able to wear the clothes I like or feel good about myself naked.  So that definitely involves some weight loss.  But, it also involves some self restraint.  Less chips.  Less hanging out, having a toke and vegging while eating whatever is in reach.  Less self indulgence.  More long walks with my dog.  Having recently sprained ankle might throw a wrench in that, but I'll figure it out.  Should be healed up here soon and then I'd like to get running and biking again.

This first post might seem a little bit rambling and introspective, but isn't that the whole idea of blogging?  It's like one giant, honest conversation with yourself.  Which hopefully ends with me being a hot bitch in a month!

1 comment:

  1. That's the spirit! Woohoo! It totally is all about being honest - and saying that you were bad/good - it is where you can say your workout sucked or it was amazing, your food was crap or was on task - and see that other people are in the same boat.... sweetness.

