Thursday 2 February 2012

Shay - Day two

I'm writing this from bed.  Just got home from a long ass movie, closed my eyes and remembered that I signed up for this thing voluntarily and it's only day two, so better get my arse in gear.  Best wait till later in the month to shirk my duties.

Today was better than yesterday.  I finally got in a mini upper body work out.  Only about 20 minutes, but I feel good about it.  Can't wait for this ankle to heal so I can get into some cardio.  I'm itching to go for a run or even do some lunges or squats, jump some rope, anything really.  Hoping to get back into yoga next week if I can start putting some pressure on it.

Ate pretty well today, found some split pea, red lentil and ham soup I made a while back in the freezer.  Managed to resist eating it without a bun or any other carbs.  More of the same for tomorrow.  Good thing I like soup.  Skipped dinner and had an apple after work so I could eat some popcorn at the movie.  It was some damn good popcorn too.

Feel like I'm already learning to be more honest with myself.  More accountable for my choices or lack thereof...  And now, to sweet, sweet slumber.

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