Wednesday 15 February 2012

Cher - Day 15 - Half way!

I must say that these past 2 weeks have gotten me back into the swing of things.  It hasn't been perfect, but I feel as though I am on my way.  I am training between 4-5 days per week and starting to feel better for it.  Today though I am going to take it easy.  I have cramps still and feel like I am the size of a house.  Also I am quite sore from yesterday :)  Because of my lack of training today, guess what? I have to make it up later in the week.... no excuses.

Food - I did awesome last night!  We had roast beef - I had NO POTATOES!  Instead 3/4 of my plate was filled with veggies!  Woop Woop!  I am so proud of myself.  It used to be common to see potatoes and gravy on my plate - Not this time!  These small changes can amount to big calorie cuts in your diet.  The potatoes themselves are not the enemy - it's the butter, milk and gravy that are on them that makes me grow bigger just looking at them.

Happy hump day everyone - Keep making those positive choices - in food, training, and in LIFE!


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