Thursday 2 February 2012

Steph - Day 2 - Much better day!

Despite still feeling like crap, I managed to drag myself to the gym today after work as well as walking on my lunch break! Total of 90 mins of exercise today! YAY!

I've recently started working with a personal trainer at my gym. He set up my program, went through it with me, and at the end, I asked...what am I supposed to do for cardio? I LOVE cardio...I truly do. He tells me he wants me to do the workout we've just done a minimum of 3 times a week and on those days...cardio ONLY if I have enough energy after I'm done. And the other days will be my cardio days. WHAT?!?!?! Really? I've heard this from a few other people, but I really have a hard time believeing this will be effective......... So, today, I figure I'm still a little under the weather, so I'll do this "easy" strength training portion of my new program..and try to fit a good walk on the treadmill in after. Holy smokes was I wrong! Easy? HA! Nope....not at all! Granted, I'm doing step ups on a bench, some knee up lunge things, and more bench step ups, in between sets of weights, which really got my heartrate up...but I did NOT expect to feel like I did! I got on the treadmill following the workout....and the 10 mins I had to spare was MORE than enough! I've been running then strength training...almost a 2 hour workout...and I haven't left the gym as fatigued as I was today! It was a great feeling! Now...if only the inches and pounds will come off...

I'm glad that I forced myself to go....always feel better after a good workout! Eating was much better today all around a good day! :)



  1. LOL - told ya so! You will get so much more out of your strength training doing it 1st since it is what you dislike the most. Good Job Steph!

  2. LOL! I actually thought about you the whole time! You are full of good...actually GREAT advice Cher!
