Wednesday 8 February 2012

Shay - Day eight

Today I feel like I've done okay.  Not really well, not really bad, just middle-of-the-road okay.  I skipped breakfast (apparently I'm finding that habit again after years of doing it as a teenager) and had leftovers from yesterday for lunch.  After work I had a snack of some rye crackers with a little cheese and cucumbers.  For dinner I had some pasta with veg that I made a couple nights ago.  Now I'm home from my doggie walk and having tea.  I haven't really done a work out.  But I'm feeling better anyways, somehow.  Maybe it's the no snacking the past couple nights?  I don't feel all bloated and uncomfortable about my stomach like I usually do.

I'm still frustrated by my ankle.  I would like nothing more than to be able to go run hard or be at yoga.  But even the little walks I've been doing at night bring on swelling and pain.  Doing only upper body work outs is kind of boring.  Maybe I need to do some research on some new exercises.  Maybe I need Cher to come kick my butt...  Hopefully I'll find out soon, because I need a little push!

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