Wednesday 22 February 2012

Steph - Day 22 - I Passed!!!

Today was definately a better day! I had to stop this afternoon and really listen to what my body was telling me though. I slept last night, THANK GOD, but had a rough time getting up today. I made it to work and couldn't wait to go for a walk in the sunshine. I thought for sure that that would make me feel better. But when I got back, I got dizzy and I was totally out of breath. I think that my body was telling me that I need to just rest for another day. So, I listened and didn't go to the gym. I believe it was the right decision, but I'm missing "the burn" I'd be feeling right now if I'd have gone!

This road that I've been on the last few weeks, has actually made me realize a few things about myself. I do too much, I push myself too hard sometimes, I talk when I shouldn't, I put way too much effort into some things and way to little into other things, I don't give myself enough credit, and mostly...I need to deal with stress better! And if that's what this "adventure" was all about, well, GOOD.

I've really got to change a few things. I'm stressed, not sleeping enough and not eating well enough, and all three of those are a deadly combination. I'm going to try to settle down and not take on as much responsibility, sleep better (although that's super tough with a little one...cause let's face's are WAY better than dad's when you aren't feeling well) and concentrate on feeding my body better. All good changes to make!

So really, when I look at how I'm feeling today, and what I've realized about myself, this whole job thing has been a test...and I passed! :) And I still don't know for sure if I'm going to be disqualified, but it will be what it will be. And quite honestly, I'm comfortable with whatever happens. I know that one day I will advance, and when that day comes, all of struggles I've overcome, will make it that much sweeter!

Thanks for your encouraging words Cher! xoxo

Good night

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