Thursday 23 February 2012

Cher - Day 23 - Sweat Everywhere!

Holy Crap!  This workout kicked my A**!

I did modify a few things:

  1. My wrists started to kill by the 3rd round - so for the plank walk + knee repeaters I took out the walk and added push up bars to ease off on my wrists a bit.  I did extra core at the end to make up for it.
  2. I haven't been doing THIS many pushups in my workouts, so full pushups didn't last with good form.  I switched to good old girlie pushups but did the rest of the exercises (ie. tuck jumps)
  3. Since my wrists were pooched, for the second half I switched from triceps using wrists (I don't have the dip station) to skull crushers on the mat with dumbells.

Remember guys, there are modifications for almost EVERYTHING!  I have tons of issues with wrists, neck (MVA), knees etc.  but I still did it, and I still sweat a TON!

I did this in just under 20 minutes.  I will do it again next week sometime and see if I can beat my time.  Consistency is KEY!

Have an awesome Thursday - the weekend is almost here!



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