Tuesday 7 February 2012

Steph - Day 7 - A Full Week!

Walk at lunch, run after work....65 minutes!!!! Worked on my abs quite a bit after my run. And lotsa good stretching! Glad I got the run in, because I searched for an excuse.....any excuse..but finally decided that anything is better than not going at all! I'm liking the new attitude I've taken on. I've always enjoyed fitness, but if I didn't feel like running, I just wouldn't go. I figured that walking or biking just wasn't enough. But now, I'm just doing anything...if I don't feel like running, I'll walk fast with an incline, or bike...or just go outside for a walk. And today...is a full week of fitting in some sort of exercise! I feel really proud of myself for that!

I'm struggling with a lot of feelings today. I've applied for a new job, and I'm nervous. Will need to write a test. And for me, even if I know the stuff really well, I just clam up and forget everything. I'm trying some serious positive self talk, but I'm freaking out. Then on top of all of that, I'm extra hormonal the last couple of days. This is nothing new, but seems worse this week. And to top everything off.....I started my day throwing up! And no, I'm not pregnant...I'm sure it's all stress related. Ugh.

On a better note.....my daugher was a pleasure tonight! Well...mostly! I went and bought her new toothpaste, and let her do her teeth all by her self. I realized that I may have a bit of a control issue...... It always starts as soon as it's time to brush her teeth. Today, she looked at me and said: "mom...I feel like a baby when you brush my teeth". Oh. But Sophie, I'm not actually ready to let you do so much by yourself! hahahaha SHEESH...wait til kindergarten starts. OMG...that made my stomach flip.


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