Monday 6 February 2012

Steph - Day 6 - A Great Day!

Proud to report...I'm feeling WAY better and that I got 90 mins in today! 60 of those minutes were hard minutes...the best kind! And, I left the gym and I haven't felt that good in a couple of was awesome!

My daugher is 3 1/2. A good, smart kid. But of course, with kids her age...there are challenges. I've been making a lot of changes within myself, trying to find ways of dealing with her, without yelling and letting her see how frustrated I am. Well, I come in the door tonight...and it's happy. I breathe a sigh of relief, as this hasn't been the norm lately. She helps with supper, she's chatty, sweet, basically...herself. Instead of a bath, she hops in the shower with my husband, where I can hear them doing some math and her just having a great time. They are done, so I go get her with a warm towel, and it starts. Attitude. I can't believe it. And of course, I instantly start thinking...what the hell is wrong with me? It quickly escalates into an all out brawl as I try to start brushing her teeth. And now...I'm angry, but most of all, I'm sad.

People always say to me...don't worry...girls are like that with their moms. Or...she's just strong'll pass. And of course....when she hurts herself, it has to be mom. If she's up in the night...has to be mom. She's really quite a mammas I just don't get it. Now she's in asleep, and of course has forgotten all about, yet here I sit....SAD. :( It's such a hard thing...I just want to do right by her....she's really a great kid. I know it's a phase and it will pass...but it's tough. Very tough.

Despite all of that, today was a really great day. Eating....well, yeah....not so much. I'm craving carbs more than ever. Which I think means I'm not getting enough. It seems I'll eat well for 3 or 4 days, then start craving things like bread, crackers...stuff like that...then eat and eat and eat... Who least my exercise is on track. I know it's not enough, but I'm not going to beat myself up like I always do. I will get there.......

1 comment:

  1. Everyone isn't crazy - girls are so tough! I was pretty good, but I know lots of ppl with your same dilemmas. So hard not to take it to heart. Good on you for keeping up with your training - and always remember that tomorrow is a new day :)
