Friday 27 January 2012

Get back at it! Recovering from Illness!

We have all been there.You have sinus pressure, a runny nose, body aches, fever..... and you are not training.  How will you get back into it?  Well it's easy - just do it.  I have been off for the past 4 days with the sickness that is going around.  To pick something up off the ground causes my head to pound, how could I train?  I couldn't.  I could go for walks - that is about it.

So when you are ready to get back at it, do you go hard?  Depends on who you are and what you were doing before the illness.  I suggest starting slower, and working your way back to where you were over the course of a week or so.  At least you are back at it.

What if you wait even longer after your illness to get back into it (bad people!).  Well unfortunately it doesn't make it any easier to get back in the saddle the more time off you take.  You are going to have more soreness (usually) and feel it more during your workout if you try to go too hard.  Again, the key here is to get back at it.

In the spirit of fresh new workouts and starting back up after illness/breaks - I would like to direct you to Zuzana Light's ZWOD (Zuzana's Workout of the Day) -

Now please note - she is VERY advanced.  But she has recently taken some time off and is just getting back into it herself (not that you can tell!).  Always remember that there are modifications for everything!!

Modifications Include:
Dive bomber pushups = Push ups or Push ups from the knees
Burpees = step instead of hop
Side Plank with dips = drop to your elbow and do not add dip if it's too much
Single Leg Squat = normal squats!

So there you have it - we have all been in the position of getting back into it - so no excuses!

Remember!  30 Fitness Blog starts next week!!!
For more info Click Here

Have a healthy weekend everyone!


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