Monday 5 March 2012

Cher - Month 2, now the fun begins :)

OK - so in this past month I have been sick twice and completely changed my life (career wise) - I would say that is enough for one month, wouldn't you?

So now is the time to eliminate drama, and kick ass!  Last night was the 1st night that I wasn't all stuffed up and snotty - so today is the 1st day of my next 30 day challenge!

What am I doing for said challenge?  Well I don't have a personal trainer (because I am one), but sometimes you just need to change things up.  I did my fit test on's website.  It was pretty basic but gives me a baseline to see my improvements.  I will do my measurements today too (scary for everyone!).

If you are interested in doing this fit test or following me on my journey, stay tuned here - I will give you assistance along the way.  Note - I am doing a variety of workouts, not just Bodyrock - they are quick and effective (with modifications) so I do like to use them frequently.

Catch y'all soon!

OH AND WE HIT 2000 VIEWS!  Thank you for the support! 

Fit test:


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