Monday 5 December 2011

Muscles just stopped aching....

Today is a good day - after my 4 days straight of training and taking Sunday off, my muscles have finally stopped screaming....almost.  My Hamstrings are ringing a bit, but I will power through.  Yesterday i thought my body was going to give me a huge 'F'U' when I got out of bed.  WOW was I sore.  It's all good though - I knew to give my body some time off to recoup. 

So now it is Monday and time to get back at it - I am thinking some Tabata'a are in my future.  Not only do I have to do them, but I think most of my clients will have to as well!

Tabata's are great - get the heart rate up quickly and are very time effective - 20 seconds of intense work with 10 seconds of rest.  You are training at 90% of your max - and sometimes want to chuck your cookies :)

I will report on my soreness tomorrow, I am sure I will have some, and always willing to share!

Have an awesome Monday!


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