Saturday 17 December 2011

Upper body workout - using your arms is overrated right?

We went HEAVY today.  Ladies you should know that it isn't such a bad thing to lift heavy!  You are not going to look like Arnie in his hay day if you lift heavy, it's just not going to happen.  We went hard and did the following:

3 sets, 10-14 reps depending

Equipment: Free Weights, Mat, Fit Ball
Location: Home

1. Chest Fly/Press on Ball - we did our heaviest today - 20lbs on the press :)
2. Reverse Fly standing
3. Front/Side Raise - Front, out to the side and down, repeat in opposite direction
4. Static Biceps Curls - One arm stays at 90 degrees while the other arm curls, switch after 7
5. Laying X Triceps Press - Single hand comes down to opposite ear, then up to press - do full set on one arm then switch
6. 21's Biceps
7. Kickbacks

Reverse Fly standing (#2)

It might not look like much, but I am finding it hard to type so we must have fatigued our muscles.... I feel awesome!

Make sure to get your training in this weekend - now more than ever with the holidays amoung us!

Stay healthy!


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