Saturday 17 March 2012

Just when you think you are slacking off.... Day 13

We are moving next week....super exciting.  Only problem is that on top of work, we are sanding, taping, painting, packing, moving, cleaning and on and on.  Needless to say, my workouts have been replaced by sleep.  All hope is not lost!  All of the activities listed above burn mega calories!  And no we are not using electric sanders, or hiring people to clean.  We are sweating and screaming our way through it ourselves.

How many calories does all of this burn (per hour)?  See below:
(Excerpt from DIY Life)





: 68

So just when you think you are in deep trouble for missing your workouts - Think about the 8 hours you spent fixing up your house - it counts!  That being said I can't guarantee you won't need a good run after dealing with your husband doing renos for 8 hours!

Have a great weekend and enjoy St. Paddy's Day!


Monday 12 March 2012

Workout without calves? It is possible! Day 8

To have a workout without calves is like having a workout without using your legs.... honestly.  We use our calves to walk, squat, lunge, get up and down, reach, jump and more.  So when you are like me and you tear your calves running stairs on Thursday (it is now Monday and I still can't touch them), you still need to workout - and hopefully without pain.

Here was my workout which only inflicted SOME pain :)

Warm up

Chest Press with Dumbells
Superset - Side plank with reach unders

Skull Crushers with hip lifts

Static Biceps Curls
Superset - Kickout crunches

Seated Ball/Band push backs (physio exercise)
Plank on the ball with elbow roll outs (physio exercise)

Supine Ball Opposite leg/arm drops

So yes, the getting up and down was painful and sore, but I powered through.  I did try a burpee, not happening today.  I will try for those later in the week when my calves decide to ease up a bit.  And yes I will be running the stairs again this week  -  there is no way I am going through this pain again from not doing them!

Have a great Monday!

xo Cher

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 3 - Let's get serious

I did my measurements today.  I have some work to do, and that is an understatement.  I haven't seen my measurements this high in years! This is going to suck, but it is good to know that I have already made some changes, now I just need to do more!

There are no words to express how much it sucks to see how much you have to lose.  It is a sinking feeling in your gut - and the only thing that can get rid of it is hard work.  So that is what I will do.

I am onto a training regimen of 6 days per week now.  But it doesn't stop there.  FOOD.  I told my husband my measurements and he couldn't believe it.  He knows how much it upsets me, and that the food we eat isn't helping.  So I said that either I make my meals separate or we cook good healthy food together.  We will try together and see how it goes!

I am not going to let this bum me out today.  Positivity is part of the battle, and it is a battle I will WIN!

Here's to positive attitudes, and positive results. 


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 2 - Early Morning Workout

So I was up super early today - have to get to work by 7, so I planned to do my workout in the evening.... but I know how that goes, IT WON'T.  So I got up and did this little zinger!  Since my MVA I haven't been able to jump rope much so I eliminated that portion...that's ok, my legs and bum were BURNING at the end!  I didn't have time for the chest portion, but did do the abs.

Gotta run!  Click on the video below to enjoy my morning sweatiness with!


Monday 5 March 2012

Cher - Month 2, now the fun begins :)

OK - so in this past month I have been sick twice and completely changed my life (career wise) - I would say that is enough for one month, wouldn't you?

So now is the time to eliminate drama, and kick ass!  Last night was the 1st night that I wasn't all stuffed up and snotty - so today is the 1st day of my next 30 day challenge!

What am I doing for said challenge?  Well I don't have a personal trainer (because I am one), but sometimes you just need to change things up.  I did my fit test on's website.  It was pretty basic but gives me a baseline to see my improvements.  I will do my measurements today too (scary for everyone!).

If you are interested in doing this fit test or following me on my journey, stay tuned here - I will give you assistance along the way.  Note - I am doing a variety of workouts, not just Bodyrock - they are quick and effective (with modifications) so I do like to use them frequently.

Catch y'all soon!

OH AND WE HIT 2000 VIEWS!  Thank you for the support! 

Fit test:


Thursday 1 March 2012

March 1 - The workout journey continues...

Hello followers!

It isn't the end - it never is!  Even if February has come and gone the challenge is the same... eat well, train hard, and see results!

This blog is going to stay open, so expect to see new posts with workouts and challenges for you to enjoy.

What should you do?  Find new and exciting ways to train, and tell us about them!  Email to let us know about what you have noticed in the fitness industry and if it's HOT or NOT!

Summer is coming!  What are you going to do to stay in shape?  Comment below as we love to hear every ones trends and habits!

You will be hearing from us soon!!! 


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Steph - Day 28 - Slacker

Today at the gym I realized exactly how much I've been slacking off the last couple of weeks. I just haven't had any motivation or the energy - the energy thing I think is cause I've been feeling depressed. It felt good to be back though...but man do I hate lunges. hahaha!

I'd really like to just not work anymore. You know? Just stay at home...being a mom, working out, cleaning, cooking, all of that while not worrying about money! I'm so tired of the financial stress. I'm sure everyone is the same, but seriously...somethings got to change. I don't know how much more I can actually take. And it really doesn't help that I'm so bored. I was raised to just keep my head down and work...cause you know...Interior Health offers a good pension. Well, frankly, I don't think that in 28 years I'm going to actually see any of that money, and I'm miserable NOW. MISERABLE. I'm sitting here dreading tomorrow. Ugh. I've got to do something different with my life....sooner than later!

Anyway, enough bitching. Time for bed...cause again...I've got to be well rested to behave myself!