Wednesday 26 October 2011

Welcome Bloggers!

This is Cher from Ginger & Crew Personal Training welcoming you to your 30 day fitness (blogging) challenge!

These next 30 days are going to be tough.  Why?  Because you have to tell us all what you have been doing in your fitness and healthy life.  This can be a challenge because you don't want to be 'that gal' who posts that she ate something bad, or didn't train today.  But guess what - there will be those days.  All I can ask from you is that you try your best, do fantastic 80% of the time, and tell us all about it!

What is the prize?  A gift certificate from Rocky Mountain Fitness in Kelowna - if you are from out of town, then a Mastercard gift card. 

What are the rules?  You must blog before the end of each day.  You cannot go back and post blogs from previous days.  Even if you have a cold, we want to hear about what you are feeling, how you are planning to train when you are better etc.  This is a chance to think about your fitness daily! 

Additional Notes - Measuring is key to your sucess.  Please have someone measure you, or email me to come and do it for you (no charge).  You will need to contact me asap to set this up!

Best of luck to you!!!  I hope you see all that you hope to see in changes in your body, mind, and spirit.
**hugs!  Cher

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